Weight gain

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Hi just wondered do any of you lovely ladies have a healthy diet plan that I could follow. . I need to lose som weight soon!! I don't feel am eating that much but constantly craving sweets and sugar. I'm trying to be good but it's nearly if I'm depriving myself then I am worse😥

I hv porridge or fruit and yogurt witv muesli In morning soup or salad with chicken lunchtime and maube a dinner at evening but nor aways. Or I cud go all day and just eat evening meal !

I stopped smoking abt 18mnths ago and also menopausal just fed up feeling c##p all the time so feel I Def need to do somthing!! Much appreciated.. if they don't allow u to mention certain things cud u plz private mail me 💟💞

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35 Replies

  • Posted

    Perhaps your lack of eating habits slowest down your metabolism?
    • Posted

      Yes I can c hw that mite b it but how to rectify it is the problem! !😭😭

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    I can relate to every word you say. When I decided it was time to lose weight, I went on my trusted low carb diet and upped the exercise, but kept putting weight on. Mentioned it to my gp, had my thyroid level checked and found I was hypothyroid. Im sure youll get loads of great diet advice here, but worth getting your thyroid levels checked too. X
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      Hi thanks but i was at docs last week getting bloods checked and basically all clear! ! Not that I want there to be anything but at least id hv an exuse !
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    There is no magic cure and skipping meals only gives you fluctuations in blood sugar levels.. You need to eat regularly and exercise more. Write down everything you eat. Keep a food diary. You will be surprised at how much you do eat.
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    I agree with the other 2 ladies. My GP said weight distributes differently around 40-60 years of age and it is true. My weight, from 21to 60 was the same but my waist and tummy got bigger as I got to menopause.
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    Hi Tina, I lost 30pounds eating like the French which I had done my whole life until I hit my 50's. I gained the weight by eating more than usual after going on HRT. When I came off of them, I went back to my original way of eating and the pounds came off. It's rather simple, skip 2 breakfasts 2 days a week. Just make sure you don't eat anything after 7pm then next day don't eat until 12 or 1pm. I loss the weight in about 6 months or less. It helps if you work out even a little. 

    My friend loss weight by eating half of what she normally eats. Similar to the Jenny Craig diet but without counting points or calories. Just eat half and save the rest for later. Btw, that's way too much food for breakfast and dairy doesn't let you lose weight fast enough. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Thank u so much for taking the time to reply.. I just feel I'm obsessed by food all the time and soooo bloated! ! Im in UK so dont know if jenny craig is here.. Is the porridge ok or is it the yogurt and muesli and fruit together too much? ? I always just used to eat toast and sandwiched for lunch but thought cutting out bread wud b better.. just feel so hungry all the time and always thinking abt food!!😶 can't believe am like this I used to eat anything and not worry abt it. Thank u again for ur advice xx

    • Posted

      Eating all that food in one sitting is too much. Here's a tip, drink a glass of water before eating, then pick one food to eat. Stop eating yogurt if you can. It has the ability to make you fat.  You can eat museli and fruit but not after or before eating porridge. Eat it on a different day. Can you eat seeds? I found that eating seeds helps stop the craving for food, so does meat, fish, avocado and cheese. Also drink lots of water.

      Eating toast isn't bad if that's the way you were eating before. I went back to the way I was eating before and I loss the weight because that's what my body is accustom to.

      May I ask are you on hrt or any medication? If you are then it could be that the medication is making you gain weight or making you crave food. Okay, well I hope this advice helps you hun. xx


    • Posted

      Hi i was on a 3 monthly hrt (tridestra ) last july for 3 months doctor took me off it bcos it was making me feel worse! ! He gave me patches which I'm afraid to take evorel - it was then I noticed the weight gain! To be truthful Iv got wider i put on inches and am constantly bloated! my whole shape changed. And I hvnt lost it! ! 😢 I hv tried eating healthier but think all this healthy eating is making me worse were by I'm craving food cos so hungry all the time.. I know hormones hv lot to play in this but it's everyday. I don't eat the muesli yogurt and fruit with porridge they r alternate days. I'm like u I used to fast a lot, not intentionally, I just wouldn't hv really bn hungry. If Id ate a big lunch I'd hv had toast or somthing small for dinner or nothing just tea!!I love my Irish tea with sugar lol but then I was a smoker so mayb that's also contributing 😢😢 I seemed to b more diciplined then and cud take or leave it.. I was also at the gym just incline walking and som weights 3 -4 days per wk but it bore the life out of me I don't know that it made any difference to be truthful I'm still big!! 💟 xx

    • Posted

      Yes, I know what you mean, that's the same place I gained all my weight. But I looked for exercises that would minimize that part of my body. I, too looked like rollie pollie, all around my waist and large buttocks. At one point I was a size UK 18. That is huge for me when I was normally a between 8-10. But as soon as I got off the hrt, I started eating like I use to, starting with 2 days of no breakfast then increasing it over several months to 3 days. 

      There is an exercise I do at home when I think my thighs and hips are getting big again. It's called a lateral and crossover lunge. I do maybe 5 on each side twice a week when I remember. Maybe you can look it up on google, and see if you can do a few. No weights are required.

      I use to drink tea,but  I had to cut out all caffeine. As for the gym I loved going on the elliptical, it is gentle on my knees and I feet like it helps me lose weight. I use to do the treadmill but that was boring. But once I discovered the elliptical I quit the treadmill. Let's get you back to your old self! xx

      One last thing on weight loss. I found that for me at least, drinking soda water helped me to also lose weight. I don't know why or what it is but it helped.

  • Posted

    Having studied nutrition, I really would not advise skipping meals. Fast weight loss means fast weight gain. Look at when you feel you want to eat and distract yourself by finding something else to do. The only way to loose weight and keep it off, is to live a life where food and exercise are part of your life. I know you will prefere the other answers, but there is no magic to quick weight loss.
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      Alison, as a nutritionist you should know that every body is different. With this said, I've been fasting all my life and not until I hit my 50's did I start having breakfast. Which made me gain tons of weight along with extra eating at times I never ate before. Of course, it was all due to my hormonal imbalance and for going on hrt.

      A few doctors whom I follow online say that fasting 2 days a week is healthier for you anyway. Where it rejuvenates the cells and that its best to do it in the morning. This is how I started back on my way to eating less, by doing 16 hour fasts starting at dinner and ending at around noon. Nowadays,  I do up at 20 hour fasts or until I feel hungry and more often than 2-3 days. I feel great again, back on track to my normal eating habits.

      Aside from this I'm not gaining any of the pounds I put on before. I believe this would only happen if I start eating more than what I normally eat or breakfast in the morning again. Eating more than normal is what makes you fat, not the other way around. That's why the french are skinny and the rest of the world is fat. I eat like the french. A little at a time and eating meals until I'm 90% full so that I don't feel bloated.

      Also, you don't need a gym to lose weight just keeping active and lifting weights helps.

    • Posted

      Did I mention a gym? No I do not think I did. There is a very simple equation. Eat what your body needs as long as you are burning it off. I wore my 21st birthday dress again on my 60th birthday. I eat breakfast every day and a healthy diet without counting calories or fasting. And, as you mentioned, we are all different. There are fat French people, same as there are fat people in almost every nation. I am a firm believer in nothing extreme either in diet or exercise.
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      I guess you're one of the lucky ones that didn't suffer with hormonal imbalance and cravings during perimenopause. Skipping breakfast 2-3 days a week has never been extreme. If I'm hungry at breakfast time I eat something lite, like eggs or oatmeal. However, when trying to lose weight, you have take drastic measures to ensure you lose the weight. But of course, you wouldn't know about that.

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      I was fat between 17 and 20 so it is wrong to presume I don't understand. I found a formula that worked for me. I did not gain weight on the pill, on HRT or during peri. I have been the same weight for 40 years.

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      That was a bit of an attacking reply to Alison, don't you think? She is just trying to be helpful and you respond on that snide way....not cool.

      Especially for someone who professes to have so much medical knowledge and is pretty quick to give it!

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      tm, I come from the medical field too, though I am retired. I know about nutrition as well. And not everyone fits the mold she is saying telling people not to change how they are eating when they are trying to lose weight. It's imperative to do so otherwise you won't lose weight.  Sorry if you think I was attacking her. I wasn't I was just saying that we don't eat like she does or as she thinks as it doesn't always fit our original habit of eating after we started perimenopause.

    • Posted

      There is an old Japanese saying, "Hara hachi- bu". It means to eat til your "stomach is 80% full".

      Modern saying is, "Hara hichi-bu". It translates to "Stomach 70% full".

      Weight gain there is growing.

    • Posted

      Cool CC! I eat until I'm about 80% full sometimes 70. Lord knows, I was eating until I was 110% full because my brain receptors weren't telling my stomach it was okay to stop eating probably due to hormonal fluctuations. Basically, I was feeling like I was starving all the time and craving chocolate. But once I set my mind to stop drinking coffee and eating chocolate, my brain and stomach went back into sync and I started losing weight along with returning to my original hours of eating which included fasting in the mornings or eating something lite.  Thanks! X

    • Posted

      That sounds like a great idea! I've been suffering with so many digestive problema that I find when I eat till I feel full I am in a world of hurt later because my stomach stays full for so long and I just feel blah. I have been cutting portion sizes and cutting out refined carbs and sugars. I do think i will try the more frequent very small meals. When my stomach is empty for a prolonged time I feel worse.

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      Ofcourse one must change how and what they eat if they want to loose weight. They must also exercise. I said a life style change is necessary. EAT LESS DO MORE.= weight loss
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      I read our brains don't comprehend we are full til about 20 min after we've finished eating. So I try to wait that amount of time and by then I'm doing something else or feel satiated or too bothered taking food out again. But like today when it's days before my period I loose all control! 😓

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      Same here. That feeling of feeling overstuft is aweful. It's taken awhile to get into habit of eating less that's for sure. No more "all you can eat" restaurants for me.

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      Oh another thing that's worked for me in past is to brush my teeth after dinner. Then I'm less likely to snack at night because I really dislike flossing and brushing my teeth again.

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      In a world where obesity is growing, pardon the pun, the all you can eat places, are a really bad idea.
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      The ones here now seem to be all you can eat sushi, Korean food or salad places. Still not a good idea.

      If you want to really see a sight of gluttony the buffets in Las Vegas is the place. Or Costco. 😁

    • Posted

      It's not worth paying the price when you can't eat all that much food. I've always been a picky eater, and such places such as those, in the past were making a profit with me there, but when I went into peri, I think they were actually losing money with all the crab and seafood I could eat.

    • Posted

      No problem. We all have the same goal. We just try to reach it in different ways and all contributions are worth considering, until we find what works for us.

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