Weird feeling like going over a speed bump, and like I am nervous and have butterflies all day!

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Hi all,

It's really strange and unsettling. All day for the past week I've woken up and gone to bed with the feeling like I am going over a speed bump, or like I have butterflies in my stomach. It's like nervous feeling, and I'm also easily startled.

It's really strange, does anyone get that? What is it, anxiety? I've tried to control it through distracting myself, but it's not working. 😦

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6 Replies

  • Edited

    Yes this is the story of my life since i entered peri! I think it is anxiety from the hormones but i have tried everything from counseling, to exercise, change in diet all the way to antidepressants....nothing has helped! My body feels like it is jittery all day, im over it! Its been going on with me for 6 years. My husband is even divorcing me cause he cant handle the fact that i can barely eat or go anywhere

    • Posted

      That's so sad that your husband isn't being understanding at this time. Well, that's great I guess I have 5 more years of this. So you're saying you experience that weird butterfly feeling in the stomach like you're nervous?. It's like a surge, it's so horrible.

    • Posted

      yes i had this really bad last year jittery, anxious, shaking and increased heart rate, lost 8 kilo's i think its the hormonal shift in the body, still get now but not as bad.

  • Posted

    I am very familiar with this feeling....often combined with a feeling like Im floating in the clouds or like you are somewhere up high and you are scared of heights. At my worst about 6 years ago I felt like I was in an elevator 24 hours a day. I also had heart flutters, ectopic beats and chest tightness and hot flushes with sweating all at the same time. I was a ripe old mess!! I can say I havent had that for quite a while but I am still easily startled or feel anxious for no reason at time but its more a feeling of restlessness than what I described before. Its all caused by adrenalin dumps or surges. When hormone levels go out of balance, our bodies believe there is impending danger and go into fight or flight mode.

  • Posted

    I am very familiar with this feeling....often combined with a feeling like Im floating in the clouds or like you are somewhere up high and you are scared of heights. At my worst about 6 years ago I felt like I was in an elevator 24 hours a day. I also had heart flutters, ectopic beats and chest tightness and hot flushes with sweating all at the same time. I was a ripe old mess!! I can say I havent had that for quite a while but I am still easily startled or feel anxious for no reason at time but its more a feeling of restlessness than what I described before. Its all caused by adrenalin dumps or surges. When hormone levels go out of balance, our bodies believe there is impending danger and go into fight or flight mode.

  • Posted

    Yes! I have had that for a few years. I believe it is definitely hormones and anxiety (which will bounce off each other). It has gotten a bit better to deal with, but maybe that is because I have had it for so long. Have you tried meditation or yoga? That may help with helping you cope with it. Sending hugs!

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