Weird feelings in hands and feet
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Hi Ladies!
Have any of you had weird feelings in your legs/feet and hands like something was pushing in on your muscles or like tension or heaviness? I was concerned that it was something circulatory.
Then today I woke up feeling gassy and bloated and it went from that to anxiety and then from that to migraines. Have you started off feeling one way and go through a series of other symptoms throughout the day? It's scary!
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Sarjahl4321 sharcerv52408
maria101 sharcerv52408
Hi Sharcerv, I do get weird feelings in my legs at times like when I wake up feel funny but goes away
I use to get it in my whole hand too, I get the gassy and bloated too, I read hormones changes will scare us but can't harm us
but I know it's not nice, Anixety is hard to deal with when your heart starts to race and can't breath then I panic and don't know what to do,not nice at all hang on there i heard it does go away eventually.
sharcerv52408 maria101
Kris1012 sharcerv52408
I hear ya!! Everyday I have a new symptom never dull moment! ! Some symptoms make you really worried that something is seriously wrong!! This is really roller-coaster! ! Now know I'm not crazy or making up these symptoms .
Lolasmom sharcerv52408
I am 9 years post and still get all those symptoms. Sorry, not very encouraging
paisleygirl sharcerv52408
I am also 9 years post and still getting tons of symptoms
ImagineOneDay sharcerv52408
Yes, sure I had. I feel a lot of pressure on my leggs and feet every day. Some days worse. Not very pleasant.
2chr2015 sharcerv52408
Yesss. I feel like something is pushing down on the top of my left foot. Almost like it is going to cramp up but it doesn't. That was one night. The next couple of days my left collar bone was aching.
Thank God for this forum and all the ladies here!??
monique_93857 2chr2015