weird head and brainless

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Can anyone relate to me-It started w ith head-rushes at work and now i've got constant tinnitus,innability to word things9getting worse all the time( and pain etc in head plus all sorts of other symptoms.

Please help?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I get the "weird" head things a great deal. At first I was sure I had some dire disease. Been taking extra B-6 and B-12 as suggested on this board and it has really helped. But sometimes it hits and it seems to take a couple of days to regroup. ANd then I stress about it and it makes it worse.
  • Posted

    Hello Janet,  I am not sure what you mean by head rushes, however, there are days that I feel like my brain is not connecting to my body.  Kind of like being dizzy, fuzzy brain, almost like having too much to drink.  Yes nany times my words don't come to mind or I say words I don't mean to say!?  Pain in the neck and eye is usually where it lands!  Hope it helps to know I have these days as well.
  • Posted

    Yes totally understand as I suffer the same :-( my brain sometimes feels like it's shutting down and I sit hearing background noise sometimes.  I do get anxious about it but think that just makes it worse.
  • Posted

    I have tinnitus too, have the radio or tv on constantly when I'm at home so I can avoid the ringing/hissing noise.  I also struggle to find the right words and get my brain in gear some days. Glad it's not just me! ThankFully I have great colleagues who help me and make me laugh about it.
    • Posted

      Lol!  I forgot about the tinnitus, yes I had that so severely, through perimenopause, right before I would get my period. Drove me crazy, buzzing, ringing, my inner ear felt swollen!  Uggh, I slept with headphones on, then I go a machine that played white noise I slept with under my pillow.  All that stopped when the shut down my body and leveled me off on BCP, low dose Ovcon 35, then went into menopause transitiioned to Hrt, NOW that I am starting to wean off the tinnuitus is flaring up so often, doesn't last long and isn't as severe, I am  praying it doesn't get worse as I continue to reduce the HRT.  I have read some posts on B6 and B12 vitamins, magnisium etc.... if anyone can give me some information on the amounts to take and what they help with I would like to take them as I wean off the HRT I would be appreciative!?
  • Posted

    I have tinnitus severely  drives me nuts ,so I can sympathise with you .horrid condition to suffer from ,I've get headaches ,mine is allergies related though rhinitis .do you maybe have allergies ? Try taking a Migraleve ,they work better for me than paracetamol ,even though it's not migraine ,give them a try ,but I will say first is to just drink more water  could be your dehydrateted .i drink water as soon as I wake ,and drink water all day ,until your urine is clear ,that tells you your hydrated,see if that backs headaches off first ,Cranial Osteopath said headaches are lack of fluid,the brain tightens up .Hope your feel better soon .

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