Weird sensation on lower front calves, top of feet
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Hi there - Woke up this morning with a very weird sensation on the front of my calves & tops of my feet. At first I thought I might be retaining water, but this feels more like the veins are inflamed. I have been struggling with over the top anxiety as a dear friend is dying, so not sure if it is anxiety related or just another bizarre symptom of menopause or? Please share if you have experienced something like this -
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Pra_Adoni debra16694
I have also this funny feeling on top of ankles, front of calves. In the beginning I was thinking that maybe I walked wrong or maybe my ankle boots were tied tightly, but it felt more in nerves, muscles so thought it was more meno related.
Try massaging with magnesium oil spray, it gives immediate relief along with being good for you generally.
Take care!
debra16694 Pra_Adoni
Hi Prat - oh thank goodness I am not the only one he is experiencing this - When I read the 66 menopause symptoms, I pretty much have had everyone of them & now this! I guess I am just the “poster child” for menopause! Ugh! I have heard about magnesium oil spray for alleviating muscle tension, so I will definitely be purchasing some. Thank you!
t74985 debra16694
Yup I’ve had it! It’s like my legs feel the blood in them! I was fearful I had circulation issues and always check my lower legs for swelling, discoloration etc. I can also usually associate it with fatiqued & stressful emotions. My legs feel like weights & heavy full feeling.
You’re not alone my friend. Helps me if possible to slightly elevate legs and allow them to gentle stretch...gently flex toes/feet and rotate my feet/ankles. Sometimes my legs r too jumpy but if they are ok to be a bit still what I said above does help me!
Good blessings my friend! Breath slow & deep when doing that also!
debra16694 t74985
hi there - oh just reading your post makes me feel so much calmer. Oddly enough, I was extremely fatigued, had been in horrific traffic for 6 hours, dealing with the anxiety of my dying friend & woke up with this! I went to a naturopath that said stress/anxiety makes menopausal symptoms worse...she wasn’t kidding! I really struggle with self calming/soothing myself. I can go from 0 to 180 in the anxiety department and struggle with just so many symptoms. I am 61, been post for 5 years and am not currently taking anything for my symptoms outside of vitamin B, magnesium, fish oil & D. I have been trying hard to eat well & struggle with exercise since half the time I don’t feel great. I think I am just going to have to push through with the exercise thing because I really think it could elimate some of the stress issues and perhaps relieve some of my symptoms. Ugh, just want to feel normal again. Thank you for responding, makes me feel so much better!
joan92570 debra16694
Good Morning Debra,
Sorry to hear about your friend. Debra, I havn't had any weird sensations on my calves or the tops of my feet. Sorry, I do however have pain on both of my theighs that I never had before. I'm only 60 this year and I feel like I'm 70 with the pain In my legs. It takes me forever to start to move after laying down or sitting for to long. NUTS!!!! Menopause.......
Stay healthy and if you need to talk e-mail me....hope this help you a little, your remember your not alone.....