Weird sensations
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Does anybody else get weird Sensations on their body? Sometimes I will feel like there's a really long hair or a strain rubbing up on my leg but nothing's there, or feel like something's crawling on me and nothing is there. Does anybody else experience this or am I completely losing my mind during this wonderful perimenopause journey? 🤪
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sn21848 klm1213
Sensations happen. Has to do with the body saying I want more estrogen. Actually I believe it is electrical charges from the lack of estrogen. The young lady who gives me a massage actually found a long hair on my leg. It has happened several times. It is either too much testosterone or cortisol or something. I'm postmenopausal and still up the creek without a paddle.
debore klm1213
sharcerv52408 klm1213
juanita93228 klm1213
You are not losing your mind. This happens to me every now and then. Usually it's on my arm. But the other day day it happened to my foot. I was in the bathroom taking off my makeup and I jumped because I thought I felt something crawling on my foot. I looked and there was nothing. I even looked to see if there was a tiny bug scurrying away. Nope, nothing. You are not alone.
katyD211 klm1213
Lol! Nope, you're not losing your mind...or maybe we both are because I get those sensations too! I laughed when I read this because I had that happen yesterday and ask the h 77ubby if he saw a long hair or cobweb on my arm. Alarming and annoying...the creepy crawlies is what I call em!
katyD211 klm1213
that should say "hubby"....😂
Thank you so much beautiful ladies for making me feel I'm not completely insane :-)
samantha46571 klm1213
I get this most days, it is driving me mad!!
Sometimes it feels like a money spider is crawling up my leg or arm. This has really increased since i first felt it about 2 months ago.
I also get tremors in my body too!!
i have been in the perimenopause for 1year 4 months, So looking forward to the coming years!!!!!
Big strong ladies x
samantha46571 klm1213
I get this most days, it is driving me mad!!
Sometimes it feels like a money spider is crawling up my leg or arm. This has really increased since i first felt it about 2 months ago.
I also get tremors in my body too!!
I have been in the perimenopause for 1year 4 months, So looking forward to the coming years!!!!!
Big strong ladies x
AnnieL4 klm1213
Oh yes!! Particularly my head/hair, some days I am convinced I have nits! (I don't lol..) and for the past few days I feel like there is a long hair caught round one of my toes, but nothing there. Wierd! I also get crawly, itchy legs.