Weird Wacky Period

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Hi all! I am 46 and think I have been in peri for a few years, but it has been really bad since last November. My periods cycles started getting shorter right when I turned 45. They went from 28-30 to 20-25, and heavy and clotty lasting 4 days. My most recent period started at 29 days and has been really light, and sometimes watery/mucousy I had a few clots, but they were smaller and thinner (if that even makes sense) then usual. I usually have to wear three pads at a time, this time I could go a while day and night on one (obviously I changed it frequently). I am now on day 8 and it is more like spotting now. Is this normal? I am really freaking out because it is so light and still going on. I have also had some Pelvic achiness and discomfort on my right side which I do get every period into ovulation. Has anyone had anything similar? It is also a bit burning down there, but that could be from the pads and maybe wiping so much? At this point I have no clue! 😂

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds normal to me during this stage of peri. Im 47 and had very similar symptoms except my period was never too heavy. Ive notice that is getting shorter, and very light. So, if you are uncomfortable with the pelvic pain, check with your doctor just in case. 

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply! This peri sure is a pain! 😂 I think the not knowing how your periods are going to be is what worries me most. I don't deal well with change, lol! Thank you again!

  • Posted

    Hi Laurie,

    I have been through the same. My OB says this is because the hormones are out of sync with each other, so pretty normal once the period schedule starts changing. She advised just keep up with normal annuals, nothing to be concerned about.

    It's interesting to me that you also have the pelvic achiness on the right side. I had that a year ago. Dr diagnosed as a ruptured ovarian cyst...a normal egg cyst that didnt do its normal rupture on-time, grew a little bigger the next cycle and released with some extra pain and fluid... apparently also not unusual at this time of life.

    I will say it did stay inflamed for several weeks, and I did feel off and on like I had the flu. Got ibuprofen, and it helped, but inflamed my stomach, so I quit that.

    Take care!!


    • Posted

      Meant to add, my periods started being like that off and on about 2 years ago... mucus in with the blood, lighter and lots of spotting after the actual bleed.

      I'm almost 49 now.

    • Posted

      Are you sure we aren't twins ? Lol! I breathed a bit better after your reply. It seems to have stopped. For now anyway 😂 This peri is crazy, and change and I don't do well! I have my checkup coming in October and I have a list a mile long. She may go running out the door! The ovarian cyst definitely sounds like it could be it. I used to get them when I was younger. It's more annoying then anything. Again, thank you for your response. It is appreciated!

    • Posted

      Thank you again! I thought maybe I had an infection or something, but hormones can cause a lot of havoc!

  • Posted

    In February of 2017, I spotted every day for over a month. Ever since that super long period, I get my period every 21 days. It is extremely heavy with large clots. Typically, it only lasts 3 days. For the last three periods, I have had 5+ days of bleeding. I don't know if this is the new norm. I have had menstrual migraines for 7-8 years, but in October I had my first migraine with aura (scary). Since then, the symptoms have really started (visual disturbances, hot flashes, early morning waking w/ panic, 24/7 anxiety, etc.). It seems like everything and anything can be "normal." I also get irritated from wearing pads for several days. You are not alone. xo

    • Posted

      Periods, so much fun and so annoying! Especially at this stage of life! I wish there was a magic button that can just fast forward us through this! Heavy bleeding is the worst. I have always been a heavy bleeder, that is why this one has thrown me for a loop! I am more paranoid that it was light and spotty! I never have had a migraine (my husband gets them bad), but my headaches have changed. Almost more like pressure and tight feelings. It does affect my eyes though. Yes, hot flashes, night sweats, vertigo, depression, horrible anxiety and panic (have had that most of my life, but it is in full force now), tingling, numbness, mouth burning, and so much more. Sigh. If it didn't give me so much heartburn I would be drinking wine! Thank you for your reply! Hang in there! 💗

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