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Dear All - by now you probably are thinking that i am a serial complainer but my symptoms just keep getting stranger - last december i literally woke up & felt like i couldnt walk with primarily achy joints, tendons, muscles, ligaments etc. then, overnight i developed swelling below my knees (like fatty deposits) i had both ultrasound, & they are just that, fatty deposits - but my achiness has gotten worse - & all the amount of yoga, gentle movement isnt making me feel better - i have also experienced tingling, electric shocks, zapping, burning body parts primarily during the night & early morning - during this time, i also experience that "volcanic" hot flash where it starts in my back & rolls up thr my body & often times i get cold afterward. However, today, i had the weirdest experience, i literally felt every nerve branch in my body tweaking, burning & "on fire" - i actually felt nauseous from the experience & while it is disipating as morning is coming on, it has literally rendered me feeling so scared & sick & i feel really spacey - what is happening to me? anyone else ever have this? this is like a normal hot flash on steroids -
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laura26665 debra16694
I can so relate. I too have the fatty deposits. Mine is on my Achilles Tendon. My doctor gave me a bunch of stretch exercises to do and told me to apply heat to it to lessen the pain. It it literally painful to the touch.
debra16694 laura26665
hi laura - thank you for responding - wow! thats weird because at the end of 2014, i literally woke up & both my heels had this rather deformed looking bump on the back of the heels, my ortho diagnosed it as achilles tendonapthy - again, it came out of nowhere - i blamed it on a horrible b/p med i was on that is a calcium channel blocker, but now, i am not so sure if it wasnt just plain menopause causing my issues - i am just flashing on the fact that i feel like my muscles, tendons & ligaments have ached now since 2014 - but this year has clearly been the worst - thank you for responding -
CarolKelso debra16694
Hi there
Been on this road for a while now and I've had all you've had without fatty deposits...night time is bad.. Peeing at least 3 times and strange nerve feeling and awful sweats.... My symptoms subsided but are now back with a vengeance.... When our hormone level changes, everything changes... And our bodies are never the same... But we are all in the same boat and have this amazing support group to share when things are bad. Google 66 symptoms of menapause found at this site and you ill see the full range of things we have to deal with. Hang tight. You ain't alone. CK
tamsin00119 debra16694
Hi Debra
I see you are on a calcium channel blocker... I am to.. and also experiencing some of your symptoms.. like the burning, aches, etc.... my CCB has a side effect of burning, warm, red, flushed, tingly and pains and needles and the aching issue.
I am going to ask my dr to change my body meds... and see if it helps.. but of course it could be related to hormones... that is what he believes anyway... I was wondering which CCB you are on? I am on twynsta.
debra16694 tamsin00119
hi tamsin - i was on Amlodipine (ccb) was put on that in 2012 & took myself off in 2017. There is a whole patient forum dedicated to the side effects of that drug. Again, all my whacky symptoms started happening around that same time i was put on that drug so was never clear if it was menopause or a side effect of that drug - all i know is I couldnt stay on that drug it was toxic to me - i still am battling with symptoms, but that drug made me feel horrible - i am not so sure CCB are a good choice for lowering b/p - there are better drugs out there -
tamsin00119 debra16694
Hi Debra
Yes it is the same drug...Twynsta it is called here... has the ingredient Amlodipine in it.
I have been on it since around 2014 I would say... man I tell you if I could just come off it I would... did you go into something else? Is your BP controlled? are you on something else? Sorry for all the questions... I had quite a good night last night... first night in a long time where my toes were not on fire for a while hour... 😃 It did start warming up but not as bad as other nights.. my body was also burning but sooo much less... it allowed me to fall asleep and I only woke up at 7.15 this morning! Best nights rest in a long time...
Sending you hugs and a burn free night...