What a few days 😢

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Over the past few days my anxieties have risen tremendously.

When I'm at work it's so busy that I feel myself panicking and get to the point that I can't think straight. Total brain fog. It's really worrying.

I'm also getting stressed about the idea of my pets dying or my parents dying.

I've always been a worrier but not to this extent. I feel that part of how I feel could be linked to the fact that i lost both my father in law and my mother in law last year ( within 7 months of each other) but I'm wondering is peri as much to blame.

The days I'm at work I get up and give it my all but on my days off I'm like a zombie with little motivation and a cocktail of peri symptoms.

I do talk to my husband ( who I think secretly thinks I'm a fruit loop) and a friend, who seems to understand but sometimes I can't even explain never mind make sense of how I feel.

Cami 😢 xx

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Aww sending you huge hugs 💓...... It's so difficult trying to explain things to someone who is not going through it. I would say you have explained that very well and if you feel you can go chat with your doc and tell him/her what you have said above. I wish I had done so way back but instead I walked out of my job and haven't worked since 😒. I felt at the time I was totally loosing it and did not understand what was happening to me. This site is fantastic and I so wish I had found it back then instead if frightening myself to death and worrying about things that had not happened. You will have many ladies on here to talk to they are all amazing so use them and if you can go a long and chat to doc or even a nurse 😊️xx
    • Posted

      Thank you for your replies and the hugs..Trevis and Donna... I really need them today.

      I find this forum really helpful, the support is amazing and it's great just to be able to sound off where girls actually understand what I'm talking about.


  • Posted

    Bless you big hugs to you. I'm naturally a worrier also and I do believe and have also read peri can cause anxiety mine is horrible. I'm always thinking doom and gloom. Im sorry I hope it gets better for you I hear b6 helps I just started taking it. Take care. smile
    • Posted

      Thanks Donna.. Yes I started b6 about 2 months ago but I'm terrible at remembering to take them


    • Posted

      Hi Cami, just a suggestion, put your vit B tablets in the holder that has your toothbrush or toothpaste and take it whenyou brush your teeth in the morning. It soon becomes a habit. Works for me most of the time. smile
  • Posted

    It could be peri with the anxieties but I have had the same trouble with stress and anxieties myself. 

    You need to just cut back maybe take sometime off of work and see a doctor and find out what is going on. You should also talk to a therapist about the death issues you have because I am scared of losing my loved ones to death. I am also a worrier too and yes that can cause a lot of anxieties in people who are sensitive to anxieties. Also have your thyroid checked out and see if you need vitamin b6 have them do a blood test. 

    My boyfriend tells me not to worry I know its hard not too but try doing some activities like yoga, relaxation, destress your mind because thats what I have to learn to do because worrying can cause more problems 

    Hope you feel better and try to put a smile on your face. Things will get better in time

    • Posted

      Thank you Susan, the support and belief from everyone on here means so much. Xx
  • Posted

    Lol! I think my husband thinks I'm a little wacky too with all of this. Every time I start telling him how I'm feeling he gets this glazed look in his eyes like, "Oh Lord, here she goes she again with this stuff." I told him if he doesn't "really " want to know how I'm feeling he shouldn't ask. That's why I am so thankful to have found this forum.
    • Posted

      Yuppers men are boneheads when it comes to understanding woman stuff.  Stick to the ladies who know all knowledge. teehee xo
  • Posted

    Camikitten - Poor dear - you are bereaved: you have lost two people very close to your family. Bereavement is a hard blow to the heart and it's something that we struggle to make sense of at any time. And you have to endure it during this most muddling of times, this "change" that perpetually wrong-foots us and (temporarily) takes away the capabilities we took for granted. Your husband has lost his mum and dad. Don't think you're going mad - none of us are. It's life and it's very tough. I don't find that anyone who isn't going through peri can understand it.This forum is a terrific support. There is always someone here to help you.

    Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

    Take care


  • Posted

    I am sorry to hear of your loss. It's rough losing a loved one and then have to cope with these hormones changing on us. We're here for you, Camkitten.



  • Posted

    Hi dear. I read in another girls' post which stated that if you had any stress or health problems before that perimenopause definitely heightens life stress issues...that came from a menopause expert.  She also said to sip water throughout the day to get your bladder gradually used to it rather than drinking large glasses at a time, like I did, and you will feel better soon dear.  I feel better knowing those things.  Take care dear xo
  • Posted

    Hi Camikitten.

    Maybe you're still grieving. Remember going to my GP demanding my

    hormone levels be checked, as I was this, that and the other. Happened

    to throw in that father-in-law passed away 6mths prior after stoke & very long period in hospital. And then I started to blub....and some!

    She just took my hand and sweetly said that what I was experiencing was

    grief - I was still mourning his passing. We had a good chat and off I

    went. That day on I felt 1m times better! No meds, different perspective

    etc. It was just so great to release it all with someone other than my

    immediate family. That was 9yrs ago.

    I too lost my mum & mum-in-law within 6mths of each other but I was

    younger and mentally stonger aged 41. Think losing my father-in-law

    has been so much harder due to age-related changes in me and seeing

    the effect his loss has had on my husband (still not coping with his loss

    after 9ys really).

    When I get anxious I find I sort of hyperventilate a bit. I try my best to

    calm myself down, talk myself out of it. I've always been a bit fiery (the

    blonde in a red family -The Red Mist had to rub off on me somehow!).

    I suspect if you go to see your GP they'll prescribe SSRIs, which seems

    par for the course with tackling peri/menopausal anxieties these days.

    Not for me, ta. But maybe its for you, who knows?

    I don't knock SSRIs for the sake of it. My eldest sister (71) has l/t mental

    Health issues so I've witnessed how well they've made her. But also the

    side effects. These are worse than any symptoms I have, hence my

    reluctance to start them.

    Maybe go and have a chat with your GP to tell them how our feel

    and explain our symptoms. It might be the best thing for you,

    who knows?!

    • Posted

      Thank you Shaznay.

      I'm 49 and to be honest I'm not sure how far into peri I am as when I look back I've been having many of the symptoms for a few years.

      I'm reluctant to see GP as don't want meds for anxiety. Just wish I didn't always feel so naff.

      Last year was a tough year with both in laws dying, 2 close neighbours died too and we had major building work carried out on our house which wasn't exactly straight forward. I think stress from all this have exacerbated my original anxieties.

      I feel like I need 6 months on a desert island ( with only my cats for company 😉)

    • Posted

      Hi Camikitten

      You should take time for yourself to destress yourself because I have a lot of anxieties and panic attack and yes having to go through peri menopause and menopause id hard. 

      I am on medication for anxieties I take ativan, trazodone to help me sleep, levothyroxine, losartan for blood pressure, vitamin d3 and metformin for diabetes 

      Take time out for your self and get plenty of rest. 

      Hugs to you and take care 

    • Posted

      Counselling is excellent if you manage to find someone you trust. Talking to someone who is totally removed, isnt judging you and who you dont have to see regularly or socially is much better for me than talking to a friend/partner. If the first counsellor doesnt seem to click with you try another one, when you find the right one the relief is immense. just to realise that what you are going through is normal is such a relief, to feel that you are not going mad and to be almost given permission to feel this way is the best! Similarly dont be totally put of anti depressants. I tried one and hated it and stopped taking it (this is for issues before peri) but I got so low that eventually the counsellor recommded trying again. I cried and cried because I just didnt want to go back on them but I was given a different one and it was so good. It just took the edge off the way I was feeling so i could look at things differently. I was only on it for a year  so its not necessarily a long term thing. I'm not saying you need to go on them now, just dont write them off completely if you feel more overwhelmed in the future. And remember to keep asking for help, different counsellour, different drugs if something is not working for you. Good luck! 

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