What affects your symptoms? What helps?
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As I have mentioned in my previous post I am only coming to realise that some of the physical / emotional difficulties I have experienced might be hormones related and that I am most likely starting peri menopause. I have noticed if I drink red wine (and even one glass) or fizzy drinks even the diet ones or if I eat too much sugar then some of my symptoms are noticeable worse. So I wondered if anybody else have noticed something similar. Is there any food that makes your symptoms worse? And have you experienced that by avoiding such good improves how you feel? What works for you? And what makes you feel worse?
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lyn180246 Daisy03
Daisy03 lyn180246
lyn180246 Daisy03
lennie45832 Daisy03
marlene21102 Daisy03
Stay off sugar and salt as much as you can ,this is a time when Candida will kick off ,due to fluctuating hormones ,so sugar big problem ,try sticking to foods that help keep hormones up ,Estrogen is stored in body fat , so don't go crazy on fad diets ,not a good move for meno symptoms . Look for foods and veg that help support the system .
lyn180246 marlene21102
marlene21102 lyn180246
lyn180246 marlene21102
MoodyNoire Daisy03
Zigangie Daisy03
I haven't really drunk very much alcohol since early peri because I felt more drunk afterwards and hangovers were worse too.
I got aversions to quite a few foods just like you do when you're pregnant.
I gave up bread because it started bloating me and giving me stomach aches.
I gave up tea and coffee because I started getting caffeine jitters.
After my periods stopped I went back to being able to drink a little (nowhere near as much as I used to). I love eggs again after feeling sick at the thought and smell of them for almost 10 years. I drink tea and coffee again. Tea isn't so bad but I can only deal with 2 coffees a day where before if I was out of tea I could drink it all day.
Bread is still a real problem white is worse than wholemeal but generally I don't bother because it can give me a nasty stomach ache for hours afterwards.
sharcerv52408 Daisy03
didi0613 Daisy03
I do gave slight gsstrtitis and diverticula so I have always experienced some issues with food/drink pretty much my entire life. I'm 50 now so can only expect the unexpected to happen with regard to my stomach. Also probiotics help with better digestion too.
For right now, knock on wood, no stomach issues today. Yeah....