What do you all think???

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well, I posted yesterday about weird stuff going on and saw my dr today who is so understanding she definitely believes I'm peri menopausal and has prescribed me with Elleste Duet 2mg HRT? Leaflet scares the life out of me but benefits and getting my life back on track seem appealing any thoughts ladies??

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    HRT is totally personal I reckon. It wasnt for me, but I had other stuff going on such as nicotine poisoning ( I know . . who'd have thought) so came off it whilst trying to pin down what was making me so ill.

    I knew someone who said she felt amazing on it. You need to give it a few months before you know would be my advice, and my Doctor reckoned the benefits outweighed the negatives. She also said that was the consensus at an all female Doctors conference she had been too which differed from a majority male conference.

    Moniter yourself. You'll know.

    My bloods showed I am menopausal btw. Last period May 2015.

    And I can have all " normal" days now amongst the "ungghh" days 👑

  • Posted

    Yes, that leaflet would scare me too, but listen to your body if something feels wrong get off of it immediately. I couldn't handle HRT, so my doctor put me on Loestrin, which is a low dose birth control pill that worked like magic. But I got off it a bit too soon and had symptoms come back 10 fold. Anyhow, if you feel safe taking it then don't worry about it but if you don't then ask for a low dose bc pill and maybe that'll take off the edge of being scared. However, my aunt took HRT for 2 years and never had any issues but her doctor said that was the maximum amount of time to prevent getting breast cancer. Just keep up with your doctor, you sound as if you'll be fine. xx
  • Posted

    Hi I just wanted to give you my experience of elleste duet HRT. I coulden't take it as it caused migraine and terrible nausea. I've been on a few different HRTs that haven't agreed with me.

    A female gyno gave me estradot 25 HRT patch and utrogestan natural progesterone tablets which I take 1 per night. I've never had any hot flushes at all. I'm 52 dr said bloods have shown I've now reached full menopause.

    My main symptoms have been agitation, anxiety, very low mood, insomnia, dizziness which is daily. I also have a stiff and painful neck but I don't know if that's related to hormone decline

    The agitation and insomnia has defo got better, my mum has just passed away, her funeral was only yesterday so it's hard to tell at the moment if the patch is helping the anxiety and depression because of mum being ill them passing

    I have noticed the past couple of days my breasts are sore so I may need the higher dose of patch.

    The only thing you can do is try the HRT and if it dosn't work go back to your dr and ask to try another.

    Hope it works out for you

    Take care xx

  • Posted

    I wish I'd known it was peri that was causing my symptoms at the time.

    I decided to try HRT just give it a go for a few months and see if it made a difference. I'm sold on it and feeling much more normal now.

    Quality of life counts for a lot I think.

  • Posted

    Take It!!   Immediately.  It takes 12 weeks before it's fully in your system.  If you don't like it just come off of it.  No harm done.  I'm on HRT thank god for it.  I was a mess.

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