What do you do?
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Hi there,
So for the past weeks I have been feeling pretty good no real issues & then last night and today I had some muscle tightening in my calf and some sadness & feeling like I was going to cry. Nothing major at all compared to how I use be & was more annoying than anything. The sadness & crying feeling has since passed, the tightness in my calf is still there and comes and goes. I was wondering what any of you wonderful woman do naturally to help during the not so bad but not so good times to help you get threw it? Thanks
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jacque1214 amy602
Hi Amy, I know the feeling. That feeling of sadness and depression comes from time to time for no good reason. What I do is cry it out...get all the tears out first. And then I try to think of all the pretty, nice and positive things I have going on in my life, and as I'm religious, I talk to God a little bit and pump up my self esteem. Maybe go for a walk, come back home, have a glass of red wine and try to channel my energy into some positive thinking.
Once I'm out of it I try to call family members and friends that I think may need me either financially or to just lend an ear...This really takes the focus of me and I'm a much happier and production person!
Good Luck!
amy602 jacque1214
Thanks for the help. I have been trying to think how even though I'm going threw this and it's a pain I'm so much better than I was I like you pray everyday. I'm starting to think God is tired of hearing from me. Lol. I talk to my mom alot and she is such a great help. My husband listens and is supportive for as best he can be. I'm blessed with them. I will be so happy when this is all over. Hugs.
Azzumi amy602
Know that exact feeling. Been good lately but last 2 days I'm emotional. Because its not as bad as it was I try to just go about my business as normal whereas before that wasn't possible. Right now I'm waiting to go to work and feeling low so sent my boyfriend a silly text as I know I'll get one back that'll make me smile. I also try not to push myself too much when I feel like this i try not to rush around and at least now I know it'll pass quickly. Don't get me wrong, it still sux..
amy602 Azzumi
Thanks I love the silly text idea. I'll have to try that one. I'm trying to push threw and the same knowing that this will pass. I hate when it happens on work days. When I'm off I can deal with it better. Either way like you said it still suxs. We all need to be sainted at the end of this. Oh how I wish I just knew when the end would be here. I'm so done. Hugs.