What Do you Ladies Think ?
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I dreamt a couple nights ago that my mother (deceased) told me to get a notebook and write down how i feel inside. She said write about all the hurt, and the things you have gone through. It was other things she mentioned but i cant remember. I know she gave me an abbreviation of something. Again, i cant remember the abbreviation. I dont know if this dream means anything or not. But i do know that a friend of mine has repeatedly told me that most of my symptons are coming from hidden and trapped emotions. to do some soul searching and start writing about those emotions that could be trapped inside.
Today i had my first accupunture and was told that my kidney is weak, which could be causing my backpain. The emotion that attack kidney is Fear. The Heart- Joy, The one that really interest me is Lung- sadness, grief, anxiety. My anxiety and the previous scare of lung " having fluid around it" didnt occur until i heard about the passing of my sister a few weeks ago. What do you ladies think of this?
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lynda20916 mary27278
What an interesting dream. I think that you will find writing in a journal very healing. If you decide to try it, it might be slow going at first, but give it at least a month. Once you are no longer inhibited, your feelings and thoughts will flow. I think you will also find it inspiring. Keep reading your journal; and let your spirit speak to you though it. xx
mary27278 lynda20916
Yes Lynda I agree it is a very interesting dream .I have been a dreamer all my life though. The incident with the lung, I actually dreamt that a lady in my dream told me to stop going to all those doctors, instead go to the Pastor and let him pray for you. So that is exactly what i did. When I met with lung specialist the following week she said "she saw no fluid at all" She called cardiologist while i was there , and said whatever you guys saw its no longer there. She told me that its a miracle, and asked "what did you do?" I told her "they prayed for me" she asked did you tell them to pray for your menopause? I said no, she said , " well now you.need to tell them to pray for your menopause." So, thats exactly what Im going to do on Sunday.?
lynda20916 mary27278
Great! I used to dream more than I do now. After my hysterectomy in July 2016, I had a dream in which a group of women were gathered around washing clothing in a tub, including me. One of the women had been rinsing a length of white linen, and when she held it up to the light there was a yellow stain on it. I said, "Oh, no, that's going to have to be rinsed again!"
Later that week, we went for my post op appointment, and my oncologist told me that the report of the pathologist who had analyzed the results of my pelvic wash after my hysterectomy indicated that "suspicious" cells were present. I knew that I'd received a warning that microscopic cancer cells had been left behind. Sure enough, I found a growth a year and a month later, and I'm now on chemo.
Everyone in my family and the doctor were surprised at what happened. But not me. Nonetheless, I am glad I knew. xx
mary27278 lynda20916
lynda20916 mary27278
I did and I am! 🙂 It was scary, though, to know--but not know when or how it would present itself. I only told my best friend about this dream, the day after I had it. She has dreams like this.Told my hubby, too. But he was/is very skeptical. My poor husband--the statistical probabilities that it would return were very small. He was stunned when it happened.
brendababy mary27278
Hi Mary I'm in the U.K. So very late, just wanted to quickly say that I think your friends theory is correct, I too believe that unexplainable symptoms are trapped emotions stored somewhere in the brain that need to be addressed
I'm sorry about the passing of your sister, you must be grief stricken, I can empathise with you as I lost my mum in January 2016, I think my symptoms became worse then
I had acupuncture in the past but to be honest I don't think it helped me one bit
Try and not to focus on the symptoms, your thoughts make your reality. I know it's very distressing suffering from various symptoms every day but maybe it's your body telling you to live your life and stop looking for answers out side of yourself
Let me know what you think xx
Nita1960 mary27278
Hi Mary and ladies
i too am from uk. I dream but only remember bits. I'm 57 and worst symptoms hit me when my mum passed in June this year after 5 very short weeks of illness. I now wake every night without fail at 2am every night (the time my Mum passed. Last year Dad died, the year before Mum in law, 6 months before my late husband passed aged 57. Any ideas on how to get a good nights sleep???
i too keep a journal. It stops all the pent up feelings you can't explain to anyone and very therapeutic. I don't know what dreams mean and I've never tried to interpret them.
Good luck Mary and all you ladies.
lena53512 mary27278
mary27278 lena53512