What foods should i stay away from ? New to peri

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I am new to peri as many of you know and still learning how to cope. I would like some advice on foods i should avoid. Yesterday i had ice cream and yogurt and feel awful. woke up feeling of balance,stomach problems and nausea. I will cut those things out. I am keeping a diary of everything that makes my symptoms worse. Ladies what foods should i try to avoid and what foods vitamins should i take. Thank you all in advance

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5 Replies

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    Sweets usually make me feel worse. I take Vitamin D, Magnesium Glycinate, Fish Oil and drink plenty of water. Personally, the supplements make things better however; the symptoms come and go as the hormones play tag with us. It's a roller coaster ride but this forum has been a saving grace.

  • Posted

    removing gluten and dairy has worked wonders for me .

    worth a good try for sure .

  • Posted

    Crazy but once i hit peri I could not tolerate dairy any longer. All the yummy stuff I loved I cant have. I do tryto eat more fruit and veggies but can no longer have onions or eggs either..Crazy..lol. But my friend they do have yummy alternatives for yogurt and ice cream. Give them a try

  • Posted

    I had to give up eggs, dairy, yeast. Reduced sugar big time. MSG also ruins me! So no more of that.Made a big difference, but am having a day similar to yours (actually, a week). Sometimes you can do everything right and hormones still have their fun. I hope your day gets better.

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    Never thought about this.. I know that sugar is bad-- like a drug and could cause problems later on in life. I do my best to stay away just because I'm trying to watch my weight. But maybe I should try harder due to hormones.. Around my period I get BAD cravings for sugar and it's a time where I cave for pop, hamburger, fries or whatever else--- I just need it and feel so much better afterwards.. BUT then days later I feel tired and have that 'drunk' feeling--- not with it.

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