What if
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What if 99% of my symptoms are just anxiety. I just had a doozy of a panic attack because my eyes went blurry looking at the iPad. Then, when I looked at a printed flyer, the black and white text was jumping as if my eyes couldn't decide which color to focus on. This is such an awful way to spend each day. Is there anyone here who is suffering from symptoms who doesn't have anxiety? I am really starting to doubt my sanity.
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Eliaimee1970 staci88515
HI Stacy i do get blurr eyes and i also get eyes floaters i called them sperm floaters . i get heart palpitations and like skip a beat.
staci88515 Eliaimee1970
Do you think it's anxiety?
pam90720 staci88515
hi staci!! friend we are exactly the same!!!! i have such anxiety over things its not funny 😦
im seeing a therapist for all this my health anxiety gets out of control... i have a billion eye floaters that started right when i was going into peri three years ago... its still hard to deal with the anxiety they cause.. plus all the other symptoms meno brings on 😦
my therapist had graves disease shes in her 30's and she even takes something when she finds herself anxious about it... please know i am soooo many others are right there with ya....
hang in there my dear... You are not alone.. i too thought i was going insane .. therapist assured me other wise .... big hugs to you!!!!
*has graves
staci88515 pam90720
Thanks, friend. I'm just having such a hard time distinguishing between real symptoms and anxiety.
katyD211 staci88515
I can empathize, Staci...and please remember that the anxiety IS a real symptom! Hugs n enjoy the holiday season, if you celebrate it.
staci88515 katyD211
Thank you, friend! Same to you.
Eliaimee1970 staci88515
IT can be ! since i turned 45 my life change and i didn't know what went wrong with my body. i believed anxiety make things worse . i start with having left abdominal pain and and radiates from mid to the left and that cause me to go to the ER numerous times for like 6 months and i got diagnose with unknown pain and eventually was ansiety from that, i start getting itching all over , blurred vision , chest palpitations all kind of hours, skip beats, hip pain , leg pain, shoulder pain, on both sides, crazy headaches, back pain , mental fog , confusion that last a few seconds, now Im battling with bad neck pain, and a cyst in the brain and they are monitor that and im trying to stay calm because my anxiety is gonna make it worse. I THINK is all part of the peri menopause and anxiety makes it worse . all my test were normal and most doctors but one said is in my head. perhaps you need to go to the doctor to clear other things. but anxiety can cause all sort of things.
staci88515 Eliaimee1970
Thank you, friend. I have seen all the doctors and had all the tests. All the say is migraines. I just wish I could separate my symptoms from the anxiety. I am so confused.
Sassyr12a staci88515
Hello staci
You and I sound alike, or at least I spent awful lot of time trying to work out what was me and was was anxiety. For some reason it was hugely important until I realised..... It doesn't matter! All of your symptoms are you, none are in your head or an overreaction. Even anxiety with menopause is a terrible symptom and so I just tried to think of it all as menopause. For some reason, I was OK with things like shaking, feeling faint, sick, aches and pains etc but I just couldn't allow myself to accept the anxiety. You're not mad, your brain is releasing chemicals because the balance is out with the low hormones. Simple. It all you and the only way I managed to get through it was with bhrt, meditation and exercise. Good luck, you're not alone staci xxx
Sassyr12a staci88515
Hello staci
You and I sound alike, or at least I spent awful lot of time trying to work out what was me and was was anxiety. For some reason it was hugely important until I realised..... It doesn't matter! All of your symptoms are you, none are in your head or an overreaction. Even anxiety with menopause is a terrible symptom and so I just tried to think of it all as menopause. For some reason, I was OK with things like shaking, feeling faint, sick, aches and pains etc but I just couldn't allow myself to accept the anxiety. You're not mad, your brain is releasing chemicals because the balance is out with the low hormones. Simple. It all you and the only way I managed to get through it was with bhrt, meditation and exercise. Good luck, you're not alone staci xxx
staci88515 Sassyr12a
Sassy, perhaps you are right. I guess maybe my addled brain was hoping it was all anxiety becauss then I could overcome it. I can't take HRT, so there is no way to fight the hormones. I had fairly signifigant anxiety in my 20's and overcame it. The only way to conquer anxiety is through it not around it. I never thought I would be in this position again. I was so independent and confident two months ago. Now, I am practically housebound and afraid to be alone. I have to find a way through perimenopause.
pam90720 staci88515
ditto to everything you said Staci
Amalie13 staci88515
I am having the same experience. It is so awful.
Mars777 staci88515
Hi staci88515 On the question of Anxiety i found this the very worse one ! I really don't know if Anxiety triggers me to sweat? Or the sweating causes Anxiety? I have been fine for a long time now as I am on HRT .. The one I take now has always worked for me but for some reason my symptoms have returned. The Anxiety is what makes it hard to think straight is that how you are? Your sanity is fine it's hormones for sure.
staci88515 Mars777
Mars, I can't take HRT because I had migraine with aura. I don't know any woman in real life who is suffering through peri/meno like I am. That is why I really think the difference is anxiety. When the anxiety is extreme, I cannot think straight either. Thank goodness for the women on this forum.