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I have been perimenopausal for about 7 yrs now, Im now 46. I take BIH but other than that am very confused and overwhelmed by the amount of information about changes I should make to my daily life. What has had the maximum positive impact for you?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi JD 

    I can sympathise, I am 49 and approaching year 9 of peri... 😞

    not sure what BIH is ... . ? 

    I have taken the natural route, using herbal remedies, Vit B6 and Vit B 12 have been my latest additions as we need that ... 

    In my experience the Anxiety has been the hardest thing, but okay at present, and also lack of energy, but again thats improved no end lately..

    I havent had a period since Aug 13 so hopefully, maybe, I may be nearing the end, ( only had two the whole of 2013) 


    • Posted


      BIh are bio-identical hormones which are supposed to be better than standard HRT. I had been thinking about increasing Vit bs- any recommendations of brands to take?

      i hope you are the end of it, my periods are still quite regular at the moment sad

  • Posted

    Hi JD and jay,  how did you manage your anxiety daily, I seem to be struggling with this and do you ever get a break from it or is it continuous x
  • Posted

    Hi Durham

    anxiety, well mine gets worse when I am having my monthly period symptoms but have no period, I still seem to get the symptoms, but not the tender breasts, I also get very emotional and tearful at certain times of the month, but lately I have not been as bad, I have been taking the Vit B 6 and B 12 and been going out so much more than usual, also, I am back on my rowing machine and doing my weights again at the moment, which is very unusual for me 😄 ..

    the anxiety when it hits me bad, just fills me with dread, and I fear all silliest things but at moment seem to be okay... I am trying my hardest to keep positive and enjoy summer and try to make the most of it... Jay xx

  • Posted


    give B 6 a try see if that helps you too.. my doc gave me Vit B6 years ago at start of peri but I never realised the benefits and didnt continue, if he had explaiined more I would never of stopped taking them...

    read below...

    B-complex vitamins, including B6, may be one of the best natural means for controlling menopausal mood swings, notes nutritionist Shari Lieberman, author of the book "Get Off the Menopause Roller Coaster: Natural Solutions for Mood Swings, Hot Flashes, Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression and Other Symptoms." Vitamin B6, in particular, is necessary for production of serotonin, a calming neurotransmitter that helps stabilize mood and, when in short supply, can lead to depression.

    Food Sources

    The hormonal upheavals of menopause added to other common midlife changes, such as decline in energy production and a decrease in the body's ability to absorb nutrients, can make menopause especially challenging. A diet rich in foods high in vitamin B6 is the best first step to regaining physical and emotional balance and will also provide other important nutrients. Bananas, salmon, poultry and potatoes are all good dietary sources. Vitamin B6 and other B-complex vitamins are also found in dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale and chard.


    Supplementing with vitamin B6 is also a good option during menopause and can provide more rapid relief than diet alone. To avoid an imbalance that can result when one vitamin becomes deficient, use a supplement that contains a full complement of all members of the B-complex family. Doses of 50 to 100 milligrams per day help promote general health and wellness. However, during the stress of menopause, your requirements for B6 may increase to as much as 300 milligrams per day, says Lieberman.


  • Posted

    Hi JD

    I cant recommend brands, I live in Spain and get the 300mg from the farmacia, but Docs can prescribe them too... 

    before i realised i could get them from the farmacia I use to get Vits from Biovea UK website, they do them all and a good web site I have many things from them, and good old melatonin for the sleep less nights... 

    regards Jay x


  • Posted

    Jaynee you mention sleepless nights is that perimenopause too? for the last year I have the occasional night where I just lie and stare at the ceiling all night, totally wide awake. I never realised menopause did so much, I wonder how many things are going to pop up over the next few years. sad
    • Posted

      hello Elizabeth ... yes insomnia is a classic peri menopause problem, one of many, I have suffered for almost 9 years of insomnia, I find Melatonin 10mg helpful an hour before bedtime, mine can be so bad the doc gives me Zopiclone for rare and occasional use, when I am shattered ...  

      Melatonin is natural and one of the best, I get mine from Biovea UK website as good price and many places dont sell it 😌

      good luck if your in early peri stages...  Jay x


  • Posted

    Thank you so much ladies, your help and support is very much appreciated x
  • Posted

    So glad I found this site! I am 47, living in the US and have been going through peri for about 4 yrs now. Whenever I went to my GP or gyn with a laundry list of symptoms I would always leave the office with a fresh perscription for Zoloft. I must be crazy right? I never filled them.

    It all started with terrible dizziness. I was so dizzy all I could do was sit and wait until the episode passed. This was a daily occurence. Then came the traveling pain. Pain in my hips,lower back, knees, neck, then feet. The feet were the worst. I could barely walk. I just stared at that new pair of sling backs with the sad realization that those days were over for me.

    I was a size 34 but in 4 yrs I gained about 2 stone. Massive depression! Then came the fuzzy head, heart palpitations and periods twice monthly. Night sweats that left me drenched. I told my dear husband I felt like an old dog that needed to be put down. Not funny, but I was so depressed!

    I started reading a lot about menopause and things we can do to help ease the suffering. I don't know how helpful this will be to anyone, but I know some of these have really helped me.

    Current wisdom: Flaxseed and whole wheat/grains and nuts are good for you. Yes maybe. But I found they also gave me severe joint pain. Since I stopped eating them I don't have any pain. 

    I am lactose intolerant. I wasn't before but I am now. No ice cream. Ever. :^(

    Chasteberry supplements work for me. It really helps with depression. It isn't just low estrogen during this time, progesterone suffers as well.

    I now only have wine on the weekends. This was a hard one for me as I love a good pinot, but there you go.

    Watch inflammation triggers. The worst offender? Sugar. Empty carbs like starches should be avoided. Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Try to eat omega3 rich fish like salmon once a week.

    Watch sodium levels. Salt makes me bloat like a water balloon. I just have to look at a pizza...

    Gentle exercise. A nice long walk, or yoga. 

    I still have peri symptoms and they are quite annoying. But I'm not feeling as ill as I was. The weight gain? Still there. Still bothering me. But I feel better inside so I guess I'll take it.

    Good luck to you all!

    Isn't it fun being a girl? (Epic eye roll)


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