What is this dizziness / faint feeling ?

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So for numerous months I have had yet another thing to add to my symptoms . Today has been a record with four separate occasions where I have come over dizzy and faint . I get this weird feeling just before it happens that travels up my body and then causes dizziness . If I'm able I stop what I'm doing and sit down and lower my head until it wears off , usually as quickly as it comes on . I get migraines as well and I have had a headache also . My period has just finished and I tend to get this just before, during or after . If its not my stomach its my head . Should I be worried ? I had blood tests earlier this year after going to the doctors with all my symptoms , but they came back clear and was told that no further treatment was needed . Should I go back ?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I have the exact same thing. I hate it! It happened today while shopping. I get this weird feeling like something is off, then the dizziness, and sometimes what I assume is a hot flash. My eyes usually go a bit wonky at the same time. It's horrible. For reference, I am 4 days out from my period. You are not alone. xo

  • Posted

    I had dizziness from 46 to 52/53, but it did pass and now I'm fine.

    It would happen suddenly, last a minute or two, and then it would pass over.

    I always had to sit or kneel down in case I passed out! I became an expert at kneeling down in public places - 'looking for something' in my bag, or pretending to look at something on a low display shelf. I also found it useful to ALWAYS use a trolley when shopping, as that gave me something to hold onto if I became dizzy.

    It was really annoying, and a little worrying, but it never, ever happens now.

    • Posted

      Yes! Sorry, should have said that - I didn't explain it very well! My periods started to become very erratic at 46, with each cycle becoming longer and longer, and that's when the dizziness started. The last period was just before I was 53 and that was when the dizziness stopped. During that time I would also have days when I felt very 'spaced out', almost as if I wasn't really there? A very odd feeling indeed. I should also mention that when I had the dizzy spells, it never happened when I was driving - I was concerned about that but driving wasn't a problem, luckily. It's surprising how many women seem to suffer these dizzy spells but it does seem to go away after menopause x

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for explaining. I have recently entered the dizziness stage and it can be frightening. Hopefully, I will start having longer and fewer periods. I am still in the heavy periods with clots every 21 days (2+ years). xo

    • Posted

      Thank you, Louise, for this ray of hope!

      My periods have been all over the place for the last year, and I have had more dizziness, nausea, headaches, stomach issues, etc. in the last year than in all my previous years combined.

      I know I still have a way to go to reach the end, but if the pattern holds true, at least we will get some relief in the end.

    • Posted

      I had erratic periods, but not particularly heavy...until the last one! I had what I thought was the last period at almost 52, but then 11 MONTHS later (!) at nearly 53, the actual last one. It was the period from hell, lasted 10 days, and the first 3 days I had so much bleeding and clots it was horrendous, painful and horrible. It was so bad it was fortunate that I was able to stay home, because I couldn't have gone to work or anything else. I had to use super plus tampons and pads at the same time, changing them every half hour, and I was terrified in case that was a pattern starting but thankfully not. It was a one-off, and definitely the last. Talk about going out with a bang!

    • Posted

      Sara, just wondering if some of your symptoms could be due to anxiety? I had massive anxiety during the whole menopause time, and found that Evening Primrose oil capsules (2 x 1000g daily) helped me hugely. Try them , you have nothing to lose. If you are in the UK, Tesco have them in tubs of 90 at £4.50 each, but usually have a 3 for 2 offer, so 270 capsules for £9, which lasts 135 days. It took a couple of weeks to kick in, but there was definitely a difference, and I still take them now x

    • Posted

      Hi Louise,

      Thanks for this!! I do believe I will give that a try.

      Hugs to you!!


    • Posted

      So, it really went away for you at 53? You gave me hope. I am approaching 53, but the symptoms are just worse than before.

  • Posted

    Facing Dizziness and off balance issues from last year..😭😭

    Some days r very bad some r ok types.

    Always feel drunk.

    its Peri symptom dear.

    no need to worry i think..it will pass..tought phase of life

    Take rest ..Drink plenty of water and have good veg and fruits

  • Posted

    I just had a round with dizziness this morning. Mine is due to my now crazy blood pressure, though. I have had struggles with hypertension here and there. I'll feel fine then suddenly I get dizzy and I start to see little flashes of light. It's been a long time since that's happened. I thought it wasn't an issue anymore. Looks like it still is 😦 I don't know if peri can bring about high blood pressure, but it sure is scary. I also have hot flashes but a new thing is feeling cold suddenly. One minute I'm sweating like crazy and the next I'm freezing. Not sure if this is just part of my new normal or if I should worry.

  • Posted

    It is allergies and clogged ears/sinuses. I've had it since age 48-I am now almost 53. It is mostly in spring/summer/fall. I am slightly allergic to some grass, molds, ragweed. And this is when the symptoms are worse. Some people also say that sometimes it is lacck of circulsation to the inner ear. So it helps to lay down or heat up neck.

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