What is this strange symptom ?

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I am so over all this now . I had a spell of feeling good , but now I seem to be slipping back again . Admittedly I did eat quite a big dinner , steak pie , mash and veg , but after I've felt so full and bloated , almost nauseous . Also on and off I get this strange like rush through my body and arms of warmth and nausea followed by a feeling of a chill . Is this normal ? Am I going mad ? As soon as I get a whiff of another symptom I panic and my anxiety goes through the roof . I keep thinking I must have some horrible , terminal stomach disease . I hate feeling like this . I should be looking forward to Christmas . I am 49 and finished a period at the end of last week that came bang on time . Are there any fluctuations after a period that cause problems like I'm experiencing or has anyone else had similar ? Please help and advice . Best wishes Jane

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Well I have the going mad symptom😬

    I totally understand the anxiety about every little symptom. I'm sick of it. I just keep telling mayself it's just hormones (doesn't always work, but I try). It's so weird too. I will feel fine for a few hours and then I have a pain and BAM..I'm right back where I started. I have heard of other people on here complaining about the warmth and then chills. I haven't yet

  • Posted


    I am so frustrated and feeling the same way.. I went through a week of finally feeling like I was returning to my normal self- waking with this energy, dancing while getting dressed, feeling positive with clear thinking! 😉😂😄

    Then snap!!! .. a bout of chills/nausea & I feel like I'm going backwards and fighting off the flu.😢😣😧

    My normal appetite returns once the nausea passes.. but I am drinking more herbal teas the past two days-

    We will get through this.. but it definitely hasn't been easy. Hang in there.. we are not alone-


  • Posted

    That dinner sounds so good!

    Sometimes after I eat heavier meal i do get a bit nauseous. The warmth and than chill is something I also get though i cannot connect it to food or full stomach. I know how u feel about the health anxiety. Drives me mad. I used to love christmas and now it is just anxiety and symptoms and worries. I hate hate hate health anxiety and even more stupid symptoms. I noticed how bouts of anxiety bring the burning body feeling all over and than chills. So for me it is hard to say where the symptoms from anxiety itself start. I do hope u feel great soon and enjoy Christmas and have good meals like this one and no nausea.

  • Posted

    Dear Jane

    I had gastitis in peri probably due to increased reflux and I have a hiatas hernia too which didn't help. Nausea is common in peri /meno I think the increased reflux which happens can make us feel nauseous plus gallbladder trouble can occur around this time. Any fatty foods will make us feel nauseous and after eating pastry it still can make me feel sick the next day with heartburn! X

  • Posted

    I do still think that a lot of my stomach issues are a mixture of peri and anxiety . The past few months my stomach been a bit off just after a period , so maybe it's to do with a fluctuation of hormones . I hope that this isn't too information , but I did have a good clear out this morning , so I wonder if I get a bit of constipation around my period . I've had so many tests that came back with the same answer , my age , anxiety and grief following the death of my mum . All these problems only started a year and a half ago when I lost my mum . I was hoping that I would start getting on an even keel by now . Any thoughts ? I am 49 and on 10mg of citalopram

    • Posted

      Im sorry you lost your mum, bereavement itself can cause anxiety etc, I lost my mum some years ago but I remember suffering panic attacks etc then on top of menopause causing similar symptoms, no wonder you feel like you do. Bereavement itself takes many stages and time, I can say now I am not feeling to bad on the other side, I do recommend a good supplement with magnesium to help with the anxiety xx
  • Posted

    Hi jane, I find I have to watch what I eat, or else my symptoms will come back also. Even though I do not get my cycles now, certain foods like sugar, chocolate, and refined carbs start to bring back my symtoms.

    I can't eat like I used to, and than just go skipping off into the sunset like I used too.

    When I eat really healthy, my body remains calm and relaxed.

  • Posted

    Afraid this is all "normal" Jane. You are not going mad but all this makes

    us think that we are. The bloated feeling comes and goes with me and

    funny enough was one of the symptoms I first went to the doctor with

    when I discovered I was in menapause.

    Nausea is terrible, that comes and goes for me too. Hot then cold

    then hot again this goes on all through the evening and I am sufferering

    big time with it all through the night. I think at 49 this is going to happen.

    My period was always regular until I was about 51 then it got very heavy

    and more often. I finally stopped having them at 53. I thought it was

    never gonna happen. I lived a total nightmare with periods

    since I was 18.

    Things will get better but the symptoms may return. My advice to you is

    try to get on with your plans for Christmas it will take your mind off of the

    bad feelings and I think you will start to feel better, this is what I try to do

    and I have had many nasty symptoms over the last 12 years.

    Live your life don't let it drag you down any further. Get excited about

    your preparations. I hope you feel better very soon. Let us know how it all

    goes for you.

    All the very best to you?

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