What is up with my period/body, pregnant? Probably not
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My periods are in between regular and irregular. I've been trying to chart them so keep track. Usually my periods last between 5-7 days and are very heavy, like Niagara Falls heavy. But this period came a day late according to my charting and is super light. Colour varies from pink/brown/and deep deep brownish red. It isn't heavy at all and barely shows on my pad/liner. I was last sexually active which was unprotected with the pullout method on May 22nd and my period was due for the 30th, I started on the 31st. It is the 2nd of June and I am still spotting. It's mostly mixed in my discharge and seen when I wipe. I am feeling sick to my stomach, tired, and nipples are sensitive. My boyfriend thinks maybe it can be implantation bleeding but I doubt since it seems heavier or darker than what I have been reading online and the charting says I would have ovulated before then. I did take two pregnancy tests before the spotting happened because I've been feeling off for about a week and they had what I think faint positives which could be evap lines. Anyone else experience this? I keep hearing implantation bleeding is usually just brown or light pink and I did have it with my daughter and it was pink. But this "period" is different than usual. Maybe I'm just stressed. I'd post a picture of it but I doubt anyone would want to see that haha
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hannah53 TheRoyalGeek
TheRoyalGeek hannah53