What is wrong with me ? Is it normal ?
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Hello ladies . I’m back again . So glad for this forum , as I need advice . Since peri my migraines have intensified , but I only normally get them just before or during my period . Now this month it’s been just over 2 weeks since my last period and I feel awful . Migraine to the front and back of my head , nauseous and an ibs feeling stomach , plus backache . I feel like an old wreck . All these symptoms plus I have been roasting hot and sweating , even though the heat has died down here in the Uk . I know quite a few people have had tummy bugs , so maybe it’s that . If not why should I feel like this even though my period isn’t due for another fortnight . Thank you
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Donna23316 jane63977
Hi Jane, it could well be a bug. I had one last week with all the symptoms you describe which lasted about a week. I would see my doctor about your migraines and how the peri-menopause is exacerbating the intensity of them. You shouldn't have to suffer. I hit the menopause 4 years ago. Nobody warned me and I've apart from this forum, I've never heard anyone talk about it. I felt deeply depressed and irritable. I tryed to deal with it myself for a whole year before finally approaching my gp. We tried tablets didn't make any different. So now I take mood stablisers. Slight difference. Did my history of anxiety//depressionp play a part? I think so, to a degree. Just felt so completely fed up and down. I'm trying to focus on the people I love and the things I have to look forward to. My downfall is thinking too much. Now I'm waffling!!! Make a doctors appointment honey. Hope you feel better soon. Donna xxx
Guest jane63977
Hi Jane, I started getting migraines at perimenopause. Never had them before. For me, PMS has also intensified. Progesterone drops. Hormones go crazy, Depending on when your cycle is...symptoms usually begin 7-10 days before your period. Mine has been 21 days, so I barely get a break! I get terrible back/ neck pain, (I have arthritis already), stomach problems, migraines, ( over the counter stuff doesn’t touch) hot flashes, warm feeling, but no temp...I also pee a lot too. Sometimes I get all of this, and no period!
Sounds like you are having hormonal migraines. Some may say “period flu”. Whatever you call it...
Perimenopause makes every symptom worse for some of us, or gives us symptoms we never had before.
My migraines have calmed since I started an AD. Keep charting your symptoms and let your dr know.
Take good care! You’re not alone! 😊
Guest jane63977
wendy_4261 jane63977
Hi Jane, since going into menopause I've become MSG intolerant an suffer stomach migraines YES stomach migraines, their horiffic I gt absolutely agonising stomach cramps a wk or so before an
attack, then I start vomiting, the run, a fever and sometimes pass out, then abt 7hrs later in fine like its nvr happened, this happens every 3 months, my Dr done every test known to man, everything came bk clear then he remembered abt stomach migrains, they're rare in adults unless immediate family suffer head migrains and my sister n cousin do, very severely ??????
michelle_79406 jane63977
I have had migraines since child hood. And yes like you my migraines have gotten more unbearable since Peri. And about a 18 months ago I was having them daily. And so violently. I could be fine one minute and the would come out of nowhere and I would get dizzy and start vomiting. It went on for about 4 months. I also had a brain scan done to rule out anything all was clear. So I now take anti inflammatory tablets and the work great to get rid of them. And I went to a girl for allergy testing she looks into your eyes and can tell you how ur system is going and your allergy foods. So I cut out what she told me to. So now I only get them fir a day just before my periods. I actually though I was dying for a few months. I just couldn’t function. Migraines anytime are unbearable. But now omg I just can not function at all with them. But thank god I have it under control at the minute
sn21848 jane63977
Since you are going down on hormones as you get older it is like when your hormones drop before your period so your headache might be a symptoms of an ever dropping estrogen. Post menopausal symptoms for me have included nausea and severe heart burn among the long list of other symptoms. You probably should have periodic hormone level tests as well as your FSH level. If your FSH is pretty high in the 3 digit levels you are probably almost done. I personally never got hot but the exact opposite I got cold. You should be careful to take precautions when it comes to birth control because my doctor said you are not really safe until it has been a whole year. Some women have periods go away then come back later. It is the same as when you are a teenager and just because you haven't hard your first period doesn't mean there isn't a chance you might not get pregnant because you might just be on the cusp of starting.