WHAT now?! Please chime in!

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Ok ya'll....I know we all do this, so today I'm gonna start lol. 

(I type "lol" but I'm not actually laughing right now, not that much anyways) 

Hows THIS weirdness for you....curious to know if anyone has ever experienced something like this before. 

Standing in grocery store line, feeling FINE.....

Suddenly out of nowhere SHOOTING pain on the top of my foot, travels at light speed up my leg and somehow ends in my back. So fast I could almost barely make out "where" it traveled along the way. 

I thought, ok, that was weird and it hurt, but also thought about how my neck and shoulders have been SO tensed and tight. Maybe it was that?

Of course, I immediately get "freaked" out like many of us do, expecting to literally die of some crazy disease right there on the spot. 

I get out to my car, back out, and immediately feel that weird "head thing" that I get where my head just feels "full" or "heavy" it's the only way I can describe it, and then some dizziness. 

Obviously the heart starts racing which I'm pretty sure is anxiety after that, but as usual, my BRAIN tells me the heart racing is connected to the weird shooting pain and head heaviness and I"m surely going to die on the short ride of 2 miles back to my house. 

Then, the gurgling in my stomach starts....and my throat feels "sort of" tight. 

First symptom turns into all this?? 


My question is.....when our hormones are raging like this, and we've done stupid unhealthy things for a few days...does it make symptoms worse during this "week" (and I'm in "hell week" as I call it. Before my period, where I get random symptoms every day, think I'm dying, then make it through it and have a few good days before it starts again) 

Here's a list of all the stupid things I've done in the last two days..including today. 

Yesterday- At like a "normal" person w/o health anxiety: Oreo's, chips n salsa, woke up at 3am and ate a ziploc bag of cheezits. 

Didn't drink enough water. 

Didn't go to sleep until 3am. 

Didn't take my vitamins

Today- Haven't drank much water

Smoked too many cigarettes sitting at my computer trying to find contractors to fix my destroyed hurricane house. 

Didn't EAT anything (still, because now it's in the oven from grocery store) 

Didn't take my vitamins. 

Under a BOATLOAD of stress last two months w/the hurricane and damage and fighting w/insurance companies. 

Oh, and I'm also living at my moms w/my kids (adult kids that is) and come on...as much as we all love our parents, do we REALLY want to move back in at 46? lol


Thank god for this board. Idk what I'd do without even just reading through these things. 

Can't go to doctor, no insurance and no money at the moment. 

Symptoms as of now are "calming" down since I"ve been typing this. Not "gone", still have a bit of heavy head and annoying feeling in my throat. 


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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi GeForce, I didn't LOL but I did smile grimly when I read this...Ive been ok for a couple of days , then a while ago watching TV with my 7 yr old, I got a sudden pain in my arm and left side of chest/ribs. That went. Came again. Went. And then came the heavy head and dizziness, wonky eyes and anxiety!!! Notice the similarities... Now sitting here trying to will away the fuzzy head and blocked ears and read your message. I'm thousands if mikes away from you but yep, I know what you mean exactly. Wish I had a magic wand. Sorry I can't help you but I can sympathise and say we can't be mad/dying, we're here chatting! Xx

    • Posted

      See those types of replies are the things that keep me going. 

      That's almost the exact same issue only the pain started in a different place.

      I can't BELIEVE hormones can DO this to a body! It's awful!

      Oh- and as it turns out, that whole mess must've been a rush or drop in hormones because it wasn't two hours afterwards, I started my period. I was thinking "whooaaa this is SO not fair"! To have these scary episodes happen and be terrified to a panic attack, then two hours later simply say hello to mrs monthly (insert obnoxious name here) and realize it's all HER fault again?! 

      It's just unbelievable.

      So all day yesterday- felt "weird" of course. Andnthis month had what I can only describe as "pinching" little pains in my lower back along with my normal cramps, which I fix with Advil.

      Also headaches and just overall feeling of "icky-scared-anxious". 

      Then today, roller coaster of feeling fine mixed with back pain cramps heavy head and now before bed the "whoosh whoosh" head as I call it. Ear pain bitbalmost undetectable as actual "pain", maybe "full" or even pressure would be better way to describe it? Idk.

      Oh! And the throat- where u feel like something's trying to choke you but you're breathing fine and swallowing no problem lol!!

      Anyone else get the "whoosh whoosh" head thing? Just sounds like that inside my head. That's my biggest annoyance tonight. When I lay down it's not as bad- and in different positions. 

      It freaks me out SO bad :-/

    • Posted

      Icky-scared-anxious describes me perfect

      Whoosh-whoosh not yet, but I'm sure it's coming 🙄

  • Posted

    I think all these things hit at the same time and they are in place of getting a hot flash. I’ll get a pain in my stomach, shoulder pain, back pain, weird headache, adrenaline rush, shakes, and then I’ll feel my body burning. And I’m just now starting to feel them in my face for the first time. I did read that some women can feel a hot flash from their toes all the way up to their head. So guess we are just the lucky ones!

    Now, about your diet and smoking...

    • Posted

      Suzanne....I know I know lol. I'm not even offended that u mentioned it lol

      My diet is actually WAY better than a year ago. (Before this started)

      I was over weight- dad had a stoke in my car- he got better but I DIDNT lol, right then is when my symptoms started (or became noticeable) 

      I thought it was because of my weight and how I ate. The anxiety scared me so bad I went off most all bad stuff and lost 35 lbs. I'm 5'4 and 142 now. The last few days were just REALLY dumb choices lol

      But yes- the cigs, I know. And I know they do something to estrogen so it's not good :-(

    • Posted

      Some days I just want to say screw it all and just smoke, drink, eat onion dip and maybe a few bars of fudge, and then throw in a pizza and a Starbucks white mocha. And maybe some butter brickle I’ve cream for dessert.

      Honestly, I ate sooo healthy even juicing celery every morning, complete clean diet, and I don’t think it made a bit of difference.  I feel crap with or without. 

      So don’t be too hard on yourself. If these things keep you calmer right now and make you happy than that’s probably more important.

    • Posted

      I get so freaked out about when I take ativan because I don't want to get addicted, but then I think that has got to be better for me than enduring the stress and anxiety.  That probably has worse effects on my body.

      I've done the juicing and eating super clean too.  I just lost a bunch of weight and got sickly looking.  I feel better eating bad😬

    • Posted

      Me too! Lost 30 pounds and looked dreadful. The skin was just hanging off my arms. 

      I agree, do what makes you feel better right now, that’s important. 

  • Posted

    The county finally got to my neighborhood to pick up all the giant piles of hurricane debris. Luckily we didn’t sustain any damage to our house. Sorry to hear you did!
  • Posted

    my anxiety started after weeks of constant headaches ( through I think two months of stress) this soon turned to me thinking I have a brain tumour. No matter how reassuring the Dr tries to be I cannot get it out of my head.  I have constant head pressure , pins and needles, and I look dreadful.    It really is the pits 😭

    • Posted

      I went through the brain tumor thoughts as well.

      Now I'm onto my kidneys. Lol

      So I'm drinking water with apple cider vinager and lemon and raw honey.

      See? We all do it lol 

    • Posted

      Str8tfans. Oh my gosh.  This is totally one of the best threads.  I needed to read all of this tonight!  It's just how you said that you are onto the kidneys now with the acv and stuff.  I do the same stuff.  I'm on the liver now.   I am making my rounds on my organs.  Had a closet full of supplements when we moved.  Ridiculous!!  My youngest says I eat the weirdest stuff.  I order the most expensive organic crap off amazon to save my life every month.  I can't believe there are so many other ladies that do and feel the same things.  I really thought I was special.😂  Thanks for lifting my spirits tonight 

    • Posted

      lol I come on here specifically to life my own spirits SOMEHOW lol

      Whether it's reading about someone else's issues that makes me feel better (not cool I know haha) or making fun of myself lol

      Glad it lifted yours tonight! :-)

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