What's everyone's experience with feeling lik3 you are going to pass out?
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I am 99 % sure it's anxiety. Been checked by my GP and by cardiologist and came out clean. Suffered with health anxiety for quite some time (years) but recently have been feeling a lot better. Today though, I had that weird rushing sound in head and like their was pressure around ears and temples and it always makes me feel like I am going to pass out. Haven't had this for a while so I guess I am just seeking reassurance. Been on my period this week and not really taking great mental care of myself so I am wondering and thinking I probably stirred my nervous system back up. Been dizzy the last couple days too which is one of my biggest anxiety symptoms. What are your guys experiences with feeling like you are gonna pass oit?
(Please, as I said before, I have been checked by a Dr. And had issues with health anxiety. Don't scare me with cardiac, blood sugar, and other such issues I have been to see the Dr and told it is anxiety and menopause)
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patricia16507 DearDoe
I have occasions where I experience severe anxiety and it usually occurs just before mid cycle or just before a period. These feelings are uncontrollable but when they stop it's like a switch has gone off and I am as good as gold. I get normal anxiety that I can control to a certain extent but this is completely different. When I have these 'episodes' I shake, have severe anxiety, racing heart, strange 'mad' thoughts and am very tired. However another symptom I get when this happens is the sensation of a 'white-out' in my head, like I'm about to pass out. Very very scary and it freaks me out. I'd like to say I found something to help but I haven't and even tried the pill (I'm 50 by the way) but 2 tablets in and I was getting migraines. I also suffer from lighheadedness and a number of specialists have said that anxiety is a main cause. Sorry I couldn't be of much help but hopefully knowing there are others out there like yourself might help. All the best.
Trishann DearDoe
DearDoe Trishann
Trishann DearDoe
maisie05 Trishann
jamie50513 DearDoe
I have the same thing at times. I was told it is anxiety as well. I've been checked and cleared also.Anxiety can mimic all the symptoms of peri/meno. I get the head rushes, sometimes weird head pressure, off balance and dizziness, eyes playing tricks on me, and flashes of light that I just know im going to pass out. But I try to keep calm and as long as I do that, I soon realize that I'm not going to pass out. Just to reassure you, try to keep calm and you won't pass out.