What's happening?!
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Hi Ladies, hope you're all well. Need advice, suggestions, personal experiences...I'm so frustrated, fed up & over it! here's a brief low down...I've been taking Livial/Tibolone for 3mths, everything normal & in menopause says the results of a recent blood test BUT I feel so crappy, unwell, swimmy floaty head etc, have low blood sugar episodes where I have a sickly empty stomach feeling, I feel unsteady & totally weird all over...scares the s*** out if me, feel as though I'm going to collapse or something deathly will happen, leaves me in tears & wondering WT?! I eat & eat which then slowly makes that sensation subside. Have read that low estrogen can effect blood sugar levels & progesterone can help to balance it...i think, is the Livial having an adverse reaction making me sick, should I try another type of HRT, should I try multivitamins/b12, as I really don't have a life at the moment. When I've mentioned this to Drs they say take ADs...I feel I'm not being heard or they have no idea what I mean 😥 I'm seeing yet another Dr soon & will ask about my hormone levels, the Livial & blood sugars etc Lets hope I get somewhere, I can't go on living with this, it restrict everything I do....I used to be a get up n do n go out person but now every day as to what I do or don't do hinges on how I feel. Me & hubby seem so separated by all this. Don't know what to do anymore....trying to keep good thoughts that I'll be well & ok again, but, with all this recurring I reckon it's going to take me out, banging my head against the proverbial brick wall! What is going to stop all this
Thanks ladies, sorry for this long ranting woe😣
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missmacca77194 NuttyNan
Im not on any meds but have been experiencing the same for a while been told im peri but in the last 6 months my symptoms are getting worse.
Ive had the airy fairy , dizziness, hot flushes,i feel i need more sugar ,anxiety .depression,sweating when i dont normally ,fatigue ,the list goes on .
every time i have a blood test my dr tells me im peri .
So im thinking of getting a second opinion ive been going to the same dr for 29 years.
Zigangie NuttyNan
I'm here 7 am no sleep do I go to bed again and if then I do sleep will it be for half the day again.
I know what you are saying about being a do person.
My motto used to be don't put off what you can do now until tomorrow. I hate chores and things to do stacking up all the time but they do.
My husband does help with them and I am so glad I'm remarried because my first husband wouldn't do "women's work" So that would have been a disaster.
It wouldn't hurt to try some multi vitamins. I go through phases of taking them. I am quite regular with b12 as it is supposed to be good for energy.
I've got two weeks to go until I've been on HRT 3 months. But I'm also wondering would a higher dose be better? Would a different type give me more energy and some decent sleep.
Have you tried magnesium I'm giving that another good whole hearted go at the moment.
I don't know about the blood sugar thing maybe that's one of the reasons I keep having to drink fruit squash and eat so much chocolate.
I want to lose some weight but it isn't going to happen any time soon. I used to crave chocolate around the time of my period I was hoping that once they stopped so would eating half a bar (family sized) chocolate, but oh no I crave it now all day every day.
Sorry all I've done is had a moan back, at least you know you are not alone.
Hope you get things sorted.
Guest NuttyNan
You have just described me !!!Â
I have felt the same for over a year, I have been on Sertraline now for about a year to help with the anxiety and panic and hot flushes, I'm only 46 and thought too young for menopause, so have had two lots of bloods and in both the hormones were up and down but as I'm not having periods due to taking the pop pill it was hard to say if I was peri menopausal, I have now recently been put on HRT patches to see if that will help with the hot flushes and panic attacks, and they say this stage goes on till your about 51 for proper menopause omg , I'm coming back as a man !!!
davida39072 NuttyNan
carmen51657 NuttyNan
elaine33371 NuttyNan
Your right, menopause does indeed affect the blood sugars, so, what your supposed to do here is, eat little and often, and base your meals on high protein which goes in slower, so doesnt cause a high rush of insulin dropping your sugar low giving rise to symptoms, mix the protein  with un re fined carbs, fresh fruit and veg, try and stay off bread altogether, but crumpets are better for you than bread,  but have more protein on your plate but small,  and keep sugar down to the bare minimum as otherwise, your just gonna cause a vicious circle, you want your sugars balanced, and a high protein diet will achieve this for you,  if, sugars are up and down, it will make menopausal flare symptoms much worse, the systems affected during menopause, are autnonomic nervous system, it does not mean your a diabetic, as its not pancreatic related as such, meaning there is nothing wrong with it, its your nervous system thats doing it, avoid caffinated drinks,and drink plenty of water, and gentle exercise, dont over do either or you will become extremely fatigued, worsening symptoms, over exertion will also then cause an adrenalin rush so, you then cant sleep, again drink water if this happens, but dont over do the water, or you will mess your electrolytes up, try and balance everything out, if you can, its trial and error.
daisylady NuttyNan
It must be absolutely horrible to feel unwell and really worrying. Â First thing I would do is go to the GP and find out if it's something to do with the menopause, or not and if it indeed is related to the Tibolone. Â From what I've read and heard Tib has the lowest side effect profile of all the HRT. Â Late onset Diabetes is very common and a test for that would be my first suggestion to my GP. Â In the meantime, I would try to eat wholegrain foods and limit sweet things to minmise the fluctuations in your blood sugar levels. Â eat snacks regularly for example every few hours have some nuts or an apple or something healthy. Â Let us know how you get on and good luck! x xÂ