What’s happening to me?
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hello all peri and menopausal ladies
iv went through all the horrendous daily peri symptoms from 2011 to 2015 when I had my last and final period and appear to be coming out of it and was feeling much better although still feel anxious about some situations and still have some bad days but not everyday, I feel this is it for the rest of my life. Anyway today I had to come home from work as I felt my vision go hazy and my eyes were pulling and my head was so tight, then all of a sudden I stood up and I felt the room was spinning, I had this surge feeling which made feel I wanted to go to the toilet then went freezing cold to the bone so cold my teeth were chattering. This was at 11.30am and it’s taken until 4am to thaw out but it’s left me feeling very odd. Does anyone else feel this way? Hugs🤗x
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samantha_12886 anxiousface
I feel the same . So cold it takes me hours to get warm. With this comes terrible pain particularly in my my lower back and rib cage . I've got to the stage now that I know every day it's going to be the same. I feel exhausted every day and just sleep hoping I feel better . I get breathless which scares me and causes even more anxiety . I have no idea how to handle this anymore I'm 49 and the past 2 years have been hell. If it wasn't for this forum I fear I would go mad with worry . Why did no one warn us that this could be so terrible .
Sending hugs x
anxiousface samantha_12886
Oh Samantha I feel for you, it’s an horrendous time for us and your right no one told us about this and have made us feel like we’re going crazy and any lady who’s lucky enough to not have our problem really don’t understand as don’t the doctors. I’m not in any pain unlike you. I agree without this forum I would be so much worse as I can always find someone who feels the same and puts your mind at rest and eases the anxiety. Just to make you feel a little better it will get easier but we’re all different so just hang on in there you will get through this 🤗back x
gilly_64426 anxiousface
I had the blur vision and standing up then all of sudden the room spins.
Gypsy014 anxiousface
Hi anxious you are the first person to read have the eyes that feel like they're pulled, it's so scary, that's what I think what the hell is happening.. First time it happened it lasted about a week went away and came back folowing month and lasted again about a week, this I believe is my third month and it's been lasting longer ugh!!! And my eyes feel so dry and red and inflamed this month with it, and in the middle of night when I get up to pee a hundred times ugh again I feel like my eyes are dry gritty sand paper.. I get the cold so bad as well I warm up with the blow dryer ha ha it takes a few minutes and my cold flash is then gone, then I just wrap up in my warm blankets... Well none of this is nice wish we were all rewarded at the end of this journey!! It would make this bumpy ride much smoother if there was a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow ???
anxiousface Gypsy014
Hello gypsy sorry but I’m so glad to hear someone else feels the same, I was doing so well then yesterday this happens again although I often feel eye pulling thing but not dryness like you. It’s set me back again and now feel scared to go and do my food shopping today BUT I must go or I’ll let it take over me again. Mmmmmm blow dryer that’s a good idea but can’t do that at work or they’ll really thing I’ve lost it😙😂. You can have the pot of gold gypsy I just want me back. Sending you a big hug and keeping fighting through this time of our life.??