What the menopause REALLY does to your body and how to tell when it’s started…Today's installment
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Both Anxiousface and Shaznay brought of this series being run this week on DM and I admit, the first installment annoyed me. Won't waste time going over that one again, but I did read today's installment and it seems to be worth having a look over.
There are so many women, including myself that develop symptoms without realising that they may very well be a part of this "lovely" transistion time.
Have a look and see if it may not be a bit helpful for you or perhaps someone you know.
I sure wish someone would have thought to write up something similar a few years ago, would likely have saved me a bit of unneccesary anxiety thinking I was for sure losing my mind. LOL! Even armed with this knowledge, there still are those fleeting moments I feel like I am losing it, but due to this site and you lovely ladies and articles such as today's installment are incredibly helpful.
Hoping you all having a lovely, sane day!
Annie xx
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Susan annieschaefer
lulu99310 Susan
Oh and the occasional teary episodes, and feeling tired and irritable, i have just got over a bout of stiff neck and right shoulder had to take nurofen plus for 2 days...
Keep strong
annieschaefer Susan
I too was so relieved to see that mentioned as over past few months I really feel like I'm 100. My posture is horrible and I my gait is appalling. Sure hope this passes soon, terribly embarrasing.
Sandy07 Susan
annieschaefer lulu99310
What do you mean? Why are you sad?
Annie xx
lulu99310 annieschaefer
annieschaefer lulu99310
Good! Enjoy your enjoy and feel well! I'm also 56 and hobbling around like 90-100 yr old (depending on the day!) at times. Can't wait for this to pass like everyone else!
Annie xx
donna38794 annieschaefer
donna38794 annieschaefer
Sandy07 donna38794
donna38794 Sandy07
caroleUJ62 annieschaefer
I used to make a point off getting up before my son did as I felt embarrassed to be lying in bed when he was going to school. Now he is at sixth form college, and quite honestly the aches and pains, restless nights, anxiety, depression, etc make it impossible for me to do that anymore, and I feel really bad about it.
I thought my last bleed which lasted about six or seven weeks and was sometimes light, sometimes quite heavy was my last. I keep thinking I am finally reaching the menopause. Then last night I started feeling really wound up, practically psychotic, had an argument with my husband, and insisted on sleeping on the sofa - a bad mistake, as it just brought my aches and pains back, and now I realize, my period was starting.
Since there is no proper pattern to them, I never know when its going to happen.
I am having various hormonal tests, and a bone density scan in a couple of days. Maybe they'll come up with some answers!
kim94523 annieschaefer
annieschaefer kim94523
Please take care of yourself and know that we are thinking of you.
Annie xoxo