What to do about my anxiety
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I've had issues with anxiety in my early 30's and now as I'm about to turn 45 I've found that in the last year and now in the past six weeks I'm starting to have anxiety daily. Some days I wake up with it other days it happens in the evenings. I've been to doctors cardio obgyn my gp and can't get any real answersMy obgyn says my hormone levels are normal but went a few months ago to a holistic doctor and he says my levels are low and put me on progesterone and testosterone along with some other vitamins I was low in. It's been six weeks since I started that and haven't noticed any difference yet. I'm so tired of feeling this way. I've always been an upbeat happy person and now I find myself not wanted to leave the house I feel like crying all the time and feel alone with all this. My husband has been great with me it's just hard for him to understand. So if you have any helpful options for me to look into. I would greatly appreciate the comments back. I want to get my life back and enjoy this part of my life without being scared anymore. Thank you all for reading this. God bless you.
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maddysmom2015 danielle29112
Hi Danielle,
I so feel you! My health anxiety in particular can get so bad I am not functional.
Did your holistic doctor add Vit D and Vit B complex to your routine? I have found those help my anxiety. Before the Vit B I would wake up with a swirl of unbearable anxiety in my chest and racing thoughts. I wasn't technically 'low' but clearly I needed more than I was getting in my lettuce!
I also found that cutting back on caffeine helped reduce my general sense of despair that fed my unwillingness to leave the house and deal with the world.
I will also say I take an Rx for anxiety on an 'as needed' basis. (Some people are not willing to do that--and that's totally fine.) Mine is like a decongestant. You can just take it when you feel the symptoms and you do not have to take it if you don't need it.
Can you also get outside for a few minutes a day? I find myself craving the daylight even in my New England winter. My anxiety and depression is worse in the dark of January.
danielle29112 maddysmom2015
Thanks for commenting back. He did but me on d and b vitamins I was very low in those. And I do take Zanax when I'm really feeling bad but it seems lately that all day I'm having issues whether it's a level I can deal with or do I have to take a Zanax. It's just really hard because I've always been the type of person to go places hang with friends travel and now I'm so crippled with this.
anetta94863 danielle29112
gailannie danielle29112
Danielle, first of all I am very sorry to hear about your struggles. I know that feeling of being alone in all this. On this forum, I promise, you are not alone.
Whether or not our labs show low levels, I truly believe our body feels the adjustment long before the lab work registers the problem. However, it is interesting that the holistic doctor disagrees with the ob/gyn, and has put you on testo and progesterone. Generally speaking 6 weeks should be ong enough to feel a difference.
There are some medications for anxiety. Have you thought about trying one?
I know all too well that former discription of self. Happy, upbeat and always on the go. It's sad to feel these changes in personality. But don't give up. There is some way to get your former self back.
2chr2015 danielle29112
Oh Danielle and maddysmom this all sounds so familiar! We are 3 peas in a pod! Lol. I hate the health anxiety. I just can't say enough how awful it is. I feel like I type it over and over again on this forum. I am also fixing to turn 45 in march. Last week I increased my AD bc I am so tired of feeling so hopeless and sad. They have Me a generic back in December and I could hardly function. Crying and obsessing. The holidays were no fun this year. I just finally got to the point of thinking...this is wrong!! This can not be how I am supposed to feel. Everyone cannot be feeling like this. ..and I can't continue this. So, I did get a different brand which helped pretty quickly and then decided to increase also. I've been struggling since bc sometimes it will get worse before it gets better. I am trying to stay hopeful...and I had to take an anxiety pill today. I take Ativan, which is very similar to Xanax. I don't like to take it so I take 1/4 pill to start.
Let's keep in touch. This is super hard. I hope anything I said makes you feel better.
danielle29112 2chr2015
It helps to know I'm not alone. I'm sorry you're having this as well. Let's keep in touch to see what's helping with each other. What is AD?
2chr2015 danielle29112
maddysmom2015 2chr2015
Absolutely let's keep in touch. You can PM me any time. I will likely be crying and obsessing when you do and will be glad of a friend.
I also look around and think 'people around me can't be feeling this way. Everyone else is so normal.' I do remember my Dr saying that an anti depressant can, initially, make me feel worse since it is removing the numbness that comes with depression. And we are suddenly flooded with feelings the depression was keeping down. Was that your experience? (I am totally fine now, but back in '98 I attempted suicide 6 weeks into a course of a very common anti depressant. I remember even thinking at the time, 'my doctor is right. I do feel worse....'
Happy early Birthday! I know 45 is the oldest you have ever been, but I promise it isn't old! You have much joy and mental peace ahead of you. We just need to remember what Gailannie says, that this transition is like puberty in reverse. That was an arduous process! At least we have a few more skills and resources now.
Love to you!
maria_03422 2chr2015
Add me to your pod
I just took a 1/4 Xanax. I don't like to take a whole one..today I'm away from home by myself and I'm so anxious!!! I use to travel with my work all over the United states every week and now I get scared to go 2 hours away
2chr2015 maria_03422
Even though feeling this way is sooo distressing for all of us. Knowing that we are not alone definitely helps.😊 ((Hugs))
callianne_65675 danielle29112
Hi Danielle, I feel the same. I'm not on anything as I have a massive phobia of pills/tablets. I also cry a lot and stay at home. Like I have agoraphobia. I try and keep myself busy, I also work out (at home) I do a 'walk a mile' a day program, which helps a bit.
It's so hard, I am sitting here right now freaking out about something. I just wish you well and give you a big hug. YOu are not alone. xx
danielle29112 callianne_65675
Thank you so much. It really helps to know I'm not alone. I wish it would help so much it would take it away lol. I'm so sorry for your issues I wish you well and will pray for you.
2chr2015 callianne_65675
Awe callianne, I'm so sorry. I am a stay at home mom and if I wasn't forced to leave my house I prob wouldn't
Lotti1966 danielle29112
I am so sorry and feel for you😘 I had such bad anxiety in my early 20's I had trouble walking into work in the mornings. Dr put me on an anti depressant and an anti anxiety.
In my 30's I was fine.
I got about 42 and it came back slowly but surely.
Agoraphobia set in.
I have trouble walking in malls, wide open spaces etc...
I get prescriptions, go as far as even getting them filled now and am afraid to take them.
I have to have my husband "listen to my heart" And tell me I'm ok. I've been to the ER more times than I can count.
I know it's all anxiety and I hate it.
God bless and know that you are not alone.
Lorene51 danielle29112
Sending hugs and empathy!! This has been a roller coaster and my health anxiety is such a struggle for me. I am a cancer survivor and have PTSD on top of my wacky hormones. It's going to get better!! Message me any time!!