When does it end

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Hi ladies does this ever end it all started five years ago when I got a tubal cyst removed first started with hot flashes and night sweats dizziness fatigue then the brain fog was so bad to the point that I ran a red light twice thank God nothing happened then the tiredness and the aching pains all over my body then these headaches that never seems to go away these heart palpitation and skip beats that scare me I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack also I got these terrible pains on the heels of my feet that I couldn't even walk I had to go get shots for the pain oh and let me not forget about the bloating in my stomach and the weight gain I really can't eat nothing because i get so full and my stomach get so bloated and now I'm also getting pain under the my left breast like in my rib cage and then anxiety the panic attacks and the mood swings it's just a list that goes on and on and on I just want to be my old self again there are days that are better than others but I just want this never-ending roller coaster to stop are any of you wonderful ladies going through all of these horrible symptoms I pray to God every day this is over soon wish you all the best God bless!!!

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey , I went through it at an earlier age , what you wrote was how I felt .... I too k the herb Isoflavone it settled me , calmed me , stopped the hot flushes , if  you can give them a go .....they are in packets of 30 on Ebay or Holland and Barrett ... positive healing thoughts xx take care x 
    • Posted

      Hi Rachel

      Does this only help with hot flash or other symptons also?

    • Posted

      Thankyou so much rachel i will try it see how it works for me hopefully it would help i just want this to be over soon it started at 40 i am now 45 and still missing my old self hopefully with God's help it would be over soon Thankyou lot's of BLESSINGS.

    • Posted

      Hi.. you are more than welcomez. I had your symptoms from 38 til 45.. I know I'm early but those herb tablets helped loads.... I'm now 47 and am through the menopause..

      Take care and God bless toox

  • Posted

    Hello lovely,

    I’m not sure where this all ends, but nobody warns you about this! I only knew about the menopause, and that hell seemed way beyond my years. Here I am, 44, and spending every day thinking and assessing how I’m feeling. It literally drives you mad. I’m  on the pill now because of the anxiety to try and sort out my hormone imbalance.  I had heart palpitations daily, sometimes on waking, and they’re really scary. I even had a couple of ECG’s, worried my heart was going to be affected by it. It’s so horrible, and you don’t know what’s going on. 😢 

  • Posted

    Hi Marisol and ladies - yes to all the above! urgh - Even though I'm on body identical hormones (from NHS) which helps to keep down the severe symptoms which I used to have like the hot sweats and heart palpitations from which I would nearly collapse with exhaustion; the brain fog, fatigue and sleeplessness still continue. I've put this simple study together on www.intelligenthormones.com to figure out what fluctuations cause the symptoms and whether I can figure out a pattern to then give to my doctor to give me a better treatment plan...Might help???

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