When does this nightmare end
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It's been a very very challenging past 9 months my cycles has been very erratic early,late,heavy,light,longer shorter and since this heck has broken loose. I've had extreme hot flashes that made me so sick I thought I was going to die lasted three weeks just to develop burning skin rapid heartbeat and nervousness. These subsided just to develop hot cold same time to extremely dizzy off balance anxiety this dizziness lasted 5 months just stopped recently. Now here I am still not catching a break my cycle was 11 days late lasted 6 days which went longer this month. I've been having the nervousness and palps and racing heart again bp spikes on meds for that and anxiety. Every night for a month now I doze off to be woken what seems like some kind of adrenaline feeling every single time I doze off takes forever to get some sleep.I been feeling some hot flashes again burning face its just never ending can anyone relate to any of these things? And how do u get through all this peri has destroyed my life and consumed it symptoms get so intense hard to function. I've had ekg labs all normal I just want to feel normal again and I'm 39 years old been going through this since I was 34 all women in my family has went through this journey in their 30's. Thanks for any suggestions in advance
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margaret21458 pamela2016
I Feel so bad for the gals that have to go through this awful time of life! I hate to tell you ....it's only the beginning.
I started peri menopause after the birth of my last child. It was pure hell, the only thing you get accustomed to is feeling different everyday. Everyday is another challenge. I am now going to be 54 years old in August....and still not good. I started HRT, which I really think saved me also needed to go on Wellbrutrin. I am a person who never took an aspirin. But I needed to help myself.
My life has been upside down for a while now. The only good advice I can give you is, get a good caring Dr. If you feel you are just another patient...find a new one.
try to get a good blood work panel done by your Dr.
I was so depleted in Vitamins, I was a mess. I was put on Vit D, B12, B complex, C, a multi Vitamin,
And I would of never believed it but they have helped me. I was desperate, and really needed to take this seriously, and I did!
Another thing, be kind and take time for yourself.
No one knows what your going through....and it's ok if you don't want to go places or be around certain people, the people who love you, always will love you!
Start reading your bible, or whatever you belief is, also inspiring stories to keep your mind on the up and up. ... and stay near upbeat people. You don't need to be brought down anymore than where you are.
Have s great day! don't look back look up!
Nothing good or nothing bad lasts forever!
Hugs, Maggie
michelle46271 margaret21458
Those are lovely words.
Even though we feel so awful I believe we have to try and occupy are minds. Let your loved ones know exactly what is happening and tell them things will be fine x
margaret21458 michelle46271
For your kind words.
Support is so important, this is really a stressful time for me on top of this menopause....my 1st cousin who was like a sister to me took her life a year ago in September. I'm sure she had issues no one knew about, I think menopause didn't help matters either.
Never saw it coming. Left behind two children 15 and 8 years of age.
I will never be the same.
Why I am telling you all this is.....
Know matter what, we need to support each other anyway we can.
I wish I could of known my cousin needed help.
So please things will get better!
Hang in, one day at a time
Hugs Maggie
michelle46271 margaret21458
margaret21458 michelle46271
My dear cousin Kathy was 46.
She was an only child. )My Mothers sister's daughter). I was her big sister.
She had some funny ways during her life, like we all do. Shy as a child but came around in high school. Had a weight issue since childhood. Her parents did everything for her most of her life until they passed. I think she couldn't handle responsibility (plus missed them terribly , As they were her own words)
Her husband had strange ways, a lot of dysfunctional ways.
She went to nursing school, passed with honors. We were all so proud!
Worked as a nurse for less than a year. She hated her job. Worked In a nursing home . On the worse wing in the place.
I think it bothered her so much because her mother was in a nursing home the last few months of her life.
I have been told by my Dr , the highest suicide rate are people involved in the medical field.
What about your friend? How old was she? Kids? Great coresponding with you.
Maggie x
michelle46271 margaret21458
margaret21458 michelle46271
Awful just so very sad. There are no words for this action. If they only knew what they do to their loved ones....they would never of ended their life this way. What is the husband saying? Did they have marriage problems?
I will never get over this but , i know, I must.
And going through all these changes had really compound things. Yes, like you said, I have two kids and a great husband but even then life still has its ups and downs.
Well I hope they are both at peace.
Maggie x
jamie50513 pamela2016
I too have been suffering with all the same symptoms. I will be 39 in July. I've had subtle symptoms since I was 35. The hard hitters started 5 months ago and it has taken over my life literally. I have the racing heart, bp spikes that I am now on meds for, internal and outside tremors, crashing fatigue, night sweats, I wake every hour during the night, digestive issues, hot flushes, weird head pressure, jelly legs, doom and gloom and anxiety that is completely off the charts. I have had all kinds of bloods, ekg's, electrocardiograms, ct and mri scans, xrays, overnight hospital stays for heart monitoring, a million ER visits and doc appointments and all comes back normal. My cycles come between 22 and 27 days, very light now and lasting about 4 days, they used to come every 23 days, heavy with clotting, and lasting 7 to 8 days. I know first hand everything you are going through and you are not alone.
I cant have HRT because of the borderline blood pressure and still having cycles with normal blood hormone tests. So the only things I do is a iron tablet (anemic from heavy cycles), folic acid tablet, vitamin D tablet, and my bp tablet. I've changed my eating habits to more protein, less sugar, and no caffeine. I try to get out when I have a feel ok day. i just started busiperone for anxiety. I didnt want to be the anxiety is so bad that it has really taken over my life in a bad way.
The ladies here are wonderful in support and will provide suggestions on supplements and other things you can try to ease the symptoms. The best advice I can give is to take care of yourself, drink plenty of water, eat small meals often or when you can if you dont have an appetite, and try to get active whenever you get a feel ok day. You are not alone. We are here for you and each other and you will get through it.
margaret21458 jamie50513
Loved your advice too!
Yes, diet is so important!!!
jamie50513 margaret21458
I'm noticing that changing my diet has helped especially digestive wise. I am a Carb and sweets person and when I have too much sugar, I feel horrible. So I had to limit it. I'm not all the way where I want to be but I'm not as bad as I was in the beginning.
Guest jamie50513
jamie50513 Guest
maisie05 pamela2016
Along with other symptoms you describe, I too have the adrenalin rush you describe when dropping off to sleep. It's like my heart has stopped and I wake and it starts again with a thud. Very unsettling. I have had to try to breathe through it and try to have nice calming thoughts, lying in a beach, strolling through a field until I finally fall asleep. Sleep only lasts till 4 ish then it starts again, thudding erratic heart. Had heart monitor tests and all is good apart from ectopic heartbeat which isn't harmful and menopause can be a cause. Hoping it will cease in a few years after menopause.
Best advise, take time for yourself when you can. 20 mins here and there makes all the difference
Take care
Guest maisie05
jamie50513 Guest