when going through menapouse

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Hi ladies is there anyone on here who as started menapouse then got over or under active thyroid gland.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello julie. Overactive thyroid is common in middle aged women so it tends to coincide with the menopause. That's why some symptoms mirror each other so it's wise to have a full blood test.
  • Posted

    Yes Julie I have a under active thyroid. 
    • Posted

      Hi Donna have you was that because of the menapouse.My mum started with overactive when she started the menapouse years ago and now shes gone underactive.Go to see the speacilist on the 8th Jan am sick of feeling poo.
    • Posted

      I'm not real sure I know it kinda goes hand in hand if that makes sense. I went like a whole year with falling to pieces I even had the worst symptoms you can have before going to doctor. I was pretty sure something was seriously wrong with me my speech even slurred. I havent had blood work for hormones to confirm perimeno.. I just turn 47 I'm pretty sure that I am.. Hope you feel better soon smile
  • Posted

    Sorry julie I read your post incorrectly. That's what I get for reading my posts as well as trying to occupy the grandchildren. Merry Christmas 🎄

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