When will I feel better ?
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Continuing neverending crushing depressing symptoms :
Constant fatigue
Crushing headaches
Tingling limbs
Burning mouth
Ringing ears
Achy bones
Anxiety/health anxiey
Wobbly / unsteady
Tingly face
Fear and dread
Doom and gloom
Horrible nightmares
Burning hot flushes
Surgical meno almost three years in and im sick of all this - feeling so low , no HRT - taking Slow release B12, Vit c, Vit e, Cod liver oil, malt extract, Magnesium, .........nothing helps, what's the point - how much longer ..........so sad.
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maria101 Fairy28
Hi Lou tell me about I'm the same with some of those symptoms,and wonder when it will end funny thing about all this I had my aunt telling me that if o was working I would not notice myself all the time but how can work stop you from feeling how you feel maybe she had easy
Hot flashes are horrible and know sleep at that but anyway keep fighting as they say we will get through like our mothers did hugs xxx
Fairy28 maria101
Thanks Maria, your aunt is kind and well meaning. My mum had no symptoms neither did my lovely nan - or maybe they just didn't talk about it or communicate like we do, there was no social media in those days so maybe they just kept things to themselves and got on with it. Sometimes I do wonder if googling all our symptoms and looking things up is any good for us - I think for me anyway it plays on my mind and makes me so much more anxious. Hard not to though but doctors always say ' don't Google ' so im not going to anymore ! Look after yourself xx
maria101 Fairy28
Hi Lou I don't Google always tell you the worst so I stop,people those days probably go to Doctors either that much but they got through it and we will.
manmoor13 Fairy28
Hi Lou I feel your pain. I too am having a bad time with each and every one of your symptoms except the hot flushes and it's horrible feeling like we do every minute of every day. I am addicted to a neck wrap which you put in the microwave and also heat pads which help with the headaches and my neck and shoulder pain. Hang in there you are not alone we are all here to support each other in this awful rollercoaster ride of menopause x
Fairy28 manmoor13
Hi there and im so sorry you're suffering too. I have one of those heat pads actually in the bedroom drawer that mum got me for Christmas , how silly of me I'd forgotten all about it, I'll get it out now - thanks for reminding me....... Been awake since 2am with another horrible nightmare that woke me, feel so drained and exhausted as many others do here too - I honestly don't know how we keep going through all this, I suppose somewhere inside us there is the will to survive and keep fighting for a better day in the future - we hope . Thanks and look after yourself x
linda57981 Fairy28
You need to be on an antidepressant. I had to go that route. I could not stand the feeling any more. I love life and I wasn't gonna sit still and let this rule me. Take meds until you get past this. Go see your doctor. Good luck with this.
Fairy28 linda57981
monique_93857 Fairy28
I truly understand what you are going through you have describe me to the T on a daily first thing this morning I started having anxiety I jumped up cleaned a clean kitchen lol mopped the floor again trying to stay busy my shoulders ache my wrist my sinus is giving me the business feeling doomed pressure in my head always feeling ill and I'm not my ears ringing wake with numb hands or if I sit up in bed on my elbows playing my games on the phone they get to tingling can't help but to think I'm doomed my allergies have kicked in full force back aching I have notice my nails are growing crazy as my hair getting longer I have learned from another lady to wear a loose rubber band and when my symptoms kick up just keep plucking the band telling myself it's just my hormones it's hard but I keep trying I just hope and pray we all get symptom free soon (((((hugs))))))) ladies
Fairy28 monique_93857
Hi monique, oh we're all the same I think - suffer suffer suffer ! Had a load of blood tests this week as was convinced these symptoms were something more than meno, but all clear hooray ! still going through it though like everyone else, plod on I suppose ! X
Cass63 monique_93857
monique_93857 Cass63
I believe we just have to pray that we don't suffer to long with these symptoms they are just down right horrible my head has been bothering me think my allergies are big part of this today but other days I can't deal with it I lay down feels like my toes just want to cramp hope we get better at understanding this whole crappy thing we call menopause