When will our doctors listen
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Just an observation here. After going through mri, blood tests, cat scans, ekg, vestibular rehab therapy, and numerous numerous run of the mill tests why has it taken me over 2 years to figure it out on my own? Hormones. One simple words yet many complex symptoms. The doctors and Im talking GP, NP, physical therapists, neurologists, ents...all of them from the emergency room to the doctors office need to get educated more. Talk of perimenopause and menopause used to be taboo. Now you have so many of us suffering anxiety, depression, body changes weve never experienced and most doctors say oh its stress. Take ativan. Or depression meds. Until I came here I never realized how many of us suffer the same symptoms. Heck it was here I read others cant even go in big stores like Walmart without panicking anymore. Thats me too. Never had this in my entire life and one starts to feel crazy. I know theres no easy fix but I wish doctors would get a clue given were women and a certain age as it might be peri or menopause starting. None of them EXCEPT my obgyn mentioned it. I feel the more we make it known and let it out in the open then we can better manage our symptoms instead of playing guessing games. Im going to bring it up to every doctor I see from here out.
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shylee becky21031
Hi Becky,
you have just written pretty much all I have said before. I have had all the same tests and more. i hope you have better luck with your drs there than i have with mine here. My GP yelled at me that peri and meno do not cause pain at all in any way. i haven't spoken to him since. unfortunately i will haveto eventually as there is no-one else for me to see here.
becky21031 shylee
Oh wow he yelled at you? Well thats just rude. Theres no way a man doctor will ever be able to understand what we go through. But I feel all doctors can become more educated on the topic and show some damn empathy. Its absolutely ridiculous. No way all these women are consistently suffering similar symptoms and its anxiety, depression, or worse nothing at all. No the doctors here havent been great at diagnosing. I dont care if every test came back great cause I still felt like crap. The big kicker is when they look at u and say its in your head. Very frustrating. I hope u can find a better doctor. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment.
shylee becky21031
Thanks Becky,
Drs, specialists, the lot of them need to be educated. we are in 2019 for christ sake. way back women were put in mental hospitals and medicated for hysteria and/ or called neurotic. We are not that much further along it seems. my symptoms have been extreme from total left sided burning of the skin, scalp, face, mouth, throat, tongue. extreme bladder pain, high anxiety, none stop inferno flushes etc
after exhausting all medications and being constantly treated like a mental case. i was given HRT most of the symptoms settled except the burning and pain. was given carbamazepine an anticonvulsive which stopped the burning though i get break through burning and pain as it is a drug that makes the hrt a bit less effective.
There needs to be proper clinics for women suffering through peri and meno with educated specialists.
really hope you too find someone help you through.
becky21031 shylee
Amen! I was just thinking even a support group would be nice. Sounds like youve been through the ringer too. They tend to definitely treat us like mental patients. And totally agree its 2019 and we still get condemned and it seems this topic is taboo still. Thats why here is so nice . Thank you for your insight. Stay strong.😊
sunaina1983 becky21031
ur right dear Dr told we r in depression or in stress...they donot understand root cause of all this..which is Harmones
kim35797 becky21031
Brilliantly written Becky I agree with all you say I also think Drs should be trained in understanding Peri and menopause the amount of times I have been to see my Gp they still are none the wiser we probably could teach them a thing or 2ourselfs , X
sunaina1983 kim35797
well said mam..me too agree with me...Dr have very little knowledge ....after discussing with each other we all know about peri more than Drs ..who donot take us seriously and just give us sleeping pills and anti stress medicine .
becky21031 kim35797
Yess! Totally agree! I really have contemplated writing the hospitals, doctors or whoever a letter. Its like how can they miss all the symptoms in this age bracket. Or shove us off like were anxious or what not. It just frustrates me. Thank you for your response. Keep hangin in there.
pam90720 becky21031
thank you for this post, Becky!!!!! you are so spot on!!!! i feel very lonely and feel like im losing it most days!! my mom was on HrT 18 years, my middle sister was on BC Pills and my older sister drank heavily...so i guess she didnt know what her symptoms were... that cant relate but try to listen and help me...
take care and hugs❤❤❤
becky21031 pam90720
Thank you! Trust me I feel like Im losing it too most days. But coming here is helping me see differently. I just wish the doctors would get with the times and take our symptoms seriously. Hugs to you and better days are coming💕
karen60759 becky21031
so true its weird, its like they don't even want to suggest it, my gp told me the other day that menopause doesn't cause any gastric issues, well she cared to look at this forum its quite obvious that is does !
sunaina1983 karen60759
same with me i told my GP 40 symtoms of peri from which i am suffering from last year and she said its not peri..it may be PMS or some other issues...Head pressure is not peri symtom go and consult Neurologist Dr .
they donot have much knowledge ..
becky21031 karen60759
Oh Ive had gastric changes with this. Is terrible. But doctors say its just getting older. Thats bullcrap. Im only 42 so shouldnt feel this way. Hell I see people in their 80s strolling down the sidewalk and I think why cant I feel youthful like them..lol
sunaina1983 becky21031
Hello my dear
Fully agree with u
had similar experience in last year....consulted GP then Gyn and Neurologist many times ..had soo many blood test , MRI and ultrasounds ( Thank GOD all came normal ) ...none of Dr told me its perimenopause...i told my Gyn i am having more than 40 symtoms of peri from last year..i am suffering alot....she told ur too young for peri..its PMS ..gave me perimose oil and tell me ur having stress consult GP...i went to GP he told its in ur mind and gave me anti depression tablets , sleeping pills...Told me stop thinking much......i told him 4 times i am having head pressure i am feeling off balance....but....no one understand my pain ......feeling very sad Y donot they understand us..y donot they tell its peri and u will be alright after sometime...so that atleast we get some relief that its transition in life and will pass.. .at this stage we need assurance that its peri only .....when harmones will balance out in body u will be ok.....but they r not ready to confirm this ..only send us from one dr to other .
After joining this forum..i came to know i am not alone sooo many other people r having same symtoms and stuggling like me..
Ur Right Dr should have more knowledge on this topic..they need to learn more...
After reading post of this forum i start understanding symtoms of peri and how people r taking care of themselves..
Thanks to all friends here we all donot know each other personally still have strong support for each other....Help each other in tought phase of life where our family members and friends donot understand us...love u all
Thanks for creating this forum
Hugs to all
becky21031 sunaina1983
I fully agree we need reassurance through this all. It can be very scary and lonely when u feel like a shell of your old self. It becomes easier knowing were all in the same boat. Ive quickly learned peri can have soooo many weird symptoms no one ever told me about.