Where am I?

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Just wanted to share this for a laugh. So I'm going through my phone reading all the replies I have received from this forum (thank you ladies) when I realize I need to rush to the bathroom for my third bout of diarrhea today. I come out of the washroom to go and make myself a decaffeinated tea and realize I cannot find my phone now. As I'm looking everywhere my kettle is ready so I make my tea. I go back to looking for my phone and find it beside the cat food (did I feed her?) Anyway, time to enjoy my tea...where the heck is my tea?? Can't find it so I make another. Then as i sit down to read more responses i realize I need to go again!!! I go into the bathroom and there's my first cup of tea! The day is just beginning and I wonder how many items I will misplace items today or how many times I will go somewhere to do something only to forget why I'm there in the first place....LOL

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I know right... ill be driving to walmart with my hubby to buy stuff and when we get there, I am like why am I here ..brain fog

  • Posted

    lol. thanks for sharing Linda. i needed a good laugh today

  • Posted

    Yeah I know what you mean I used to have a great memory now have terrible brain fog and get very disoriented!

  • Posted

    Funny story!!! 😂😂😂

    I needed this!

  • Posted

    That is funny!!! My mom is always misplacing her teacup. One time when I was visiting we were somewhere in the house and she says ' ohh that's where I left it'it was a cup of tea from yesterday.

  • Posted

    That was great! One day I was watching instagram stories of my grandkids. I wanted to call my daugter to tell er how cute they were and couldn't find my phone...because I was on it watching videos lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Thanks for sharing 😉

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    Oh thanks Linda. We all need a good laugh. Then we will forget what we are laughing about!😂😅😂

    God bless us all.

  • Posted

    LOL Linda

    you're not alone. I spent half an hr looking for my keys that should have been on the hook, i make myself at least 3 to 4 cuppas and lose them only to find a row of them on the window ledge behind the blinds. i put things in safe places for safe keeping so safe i never find them again nor do i now remember what i put in safe keeping only that there is something... safe....

    I walk into rooms and cant remember why i'm there. i go to the supermarket without a list because i think oh its only a few things i'll remember only to come home with a load of things i didn't need and then remember what i wanted and didn't buy it..... makes for very interesting days 😃

    • Posted

      Right?! What I am finding so challenging right now is that my youngest son is 16 and he is the only person I find who's brain is worse than mine right now. I go between totally understanding what he is going through (puberty...hormones) and wanting to pack his bags. I swear if he loses or forgets one more thing!!!! Then again maybe I should thank him because he seems to be worse off than me and distracts me from my own issues..LOL

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