Where did my sleep go?
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Hi lafies i have been having difficulty sleeping altho am tired , cannot seem to get enought rest..wod b awake by 4:30 an just can't shut my eyes after dat..it takes a toll on me in d day wit dizziness , blurred eyes an pain with headaches.
Anyone else with this issue?
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maria_03422 wendy36287
Hi Wendy
I'm having the same issue for the past month, I wake every night around 4:30am!! By noon I'm so tired can't fuction...Tonight trying to stay up later then usual it might help me sleep longer! I do suffer from headaches also..it's been crazy 5 years for me so far!! Hope you get some sleep and the rest you need
lynda20916 wendy36287
Have you considered trying a natural substance to help you sleep, such as Melatonin or Valerian?
Kris1012 wendy36287
I have been having the same problems. I have tried Melton before . Just didn't like it made me feel. I'm so glad found this website! I truly believe I was going crazy lossing my mind. It's hard to explain to someone who is not dealing with the same issue!
Good luck
jane5216 wendy36287
natallia04776 jane5216
Now I see the answer! Thank you ladies. I've been like that from March thinking it was just me.
jacqui_99870 wendy36287
Yep....this is the worst part of having the menopause! The lack of sleep I feel for you Wendy because I've tried all sorts of things and nothing seems to work.
Easier said than done but try to rest when you can. I can't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep!
natacha66 wendy36287
jo81414 wendy36287
These are some.of the symptoms I have to. It's really difficult as is making me feel so knackered and like I dont want to do anything.
Some people say exercise helps with symptoms and I have big run in less than 3 weeks and just dont feel like running so thought I would do some other exercise at the weekend and during the first half hour felt like I was gonna pass out. I did feel a bit better in the second half hour but then was knackered after and had to have a sleep when I got home. When I awoke I felt worse but did feel better as the evening went on.
Some say exercise helps some say it doesnt so just dont know what to do or the best.
liz67338 wendy36287
Hi Wendy yes I had this issue for a long time...after speaking with woman experiencing bad menopause symptoms too I've picked up some tips that have helped me have a longer sleep without waking up during the night. I started taking "Zen mind" 30 mins before bed, red bush tea (all mainstream supermarkets sell it) an hour before bed...has a calming effect on system i do this after taking a bath with pure lavender oil and covering myself in organic lavender body cream...I have found the whole routine to help (ideally I go to a local steam/sauna first whenever I can to relax my whole body). If you try any of this I hope it helps you too 😊
gailannie wendy36287
When I started using vaginal Estrace for atrophy and dryness, one of the first things I noticed was I started leeping like a champ, and needed to use my alarm again.
Whino gailannie
I too had sleep problems with menopause when I didn't have them before. I tend to fall asleep then wake up an hour later ready to start my day. The HRT did seem to help hugely (but as I've whined about elsewhere, it also seems to have brought my period back after a year and a half without!) I also agree with trying different sleep aids until you find one you prefer, preferably non-addicting ones. Benadryl pills work well for me.
gailannie Whino
Ladies, this is an issue I am very sensative about. But I want to provide a warning about Benadryl and all other OTC sleep medications. I have just come from full time caregiving with my father who had Alzheimer's disease. Sleeping is a huge issue for people with this disease process, and when I mentioned Benadryl to his doctor, he said "You can't give him that, it will make his condition worse." What I learned by reading studies, is that the active ingredient in those products, reduces the acetelcholine (sp) in our brains. Studies have shown a three fold increase in Alzheimer's disease with regular use of these sleep aids. Please be forewarned that these OTC sleep medications can cause problems, and should NOT be taken on a regular basis.
Do a Google search on this issue and become informed. There is one prescription that is safe, even for AD patients. Please ask your doctor. And there are plenty of holistic things that can also help with sleep. But please, PLEASE, be careful with use of Benadryl for sleep issues. AD is nothing you want to experience.
Whino gailannie
gailannie Whino
lynda20916 gailannie
2chr2015 gailannie
gailannie lynda20916
I'm doing ok. Not sure if your question is about menopause, hrt, or the loss of my father from AD. Life sure changes in a rapid hurry. I'm doing better in some areas vs others.
lynda20916 gailannie
Thanks for getting back to me. I understand that you recently lost your father. Please accept my condolences.
I was asking about menopause/hrt.
gailannie lynda20916
Doing horrible on the hrt Lynda. I wish that it was really very simple and everywoman did well on estrogen, but boy I'm not one of them.
I truely believe it probably best that we have some estradiol, and not allow the esterone to take over. But boy I am struggling.
Thanks so much for asking.
lynda20916 gailannie
I'm so sorry to hear that! I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you, and hoping that you find some relief!
Please keep in touch and let me know how you're doing! Send me a private e-mail, if you'd like! xx