Which hormones are you low in???
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I was doing some online searches, for some of my symptoms of Perimenopause and come across this test.This forum wont let you list any websites so Ill tell you how to find it. Just google Hormone Defeciency Test it is about the 3rd link down on the page. Some of you ladies may have already done this but thought I'd post it for those who havent found it yet.
Our hormones are like a roller coaster daily during peri and some of us go through peri guessing, like our doctors do(when they put you on birth control thinking your too young to go through the change at your age), like mine did. When I first started peri I was such a basket case... I spent more time in the ER then I did at home. The symptoms can be very frightening and make you feel like your dying. I knew I wasn't gettng anywhere from seeing doctors every week with the same blood test... that all appeared normal!!!... so I decided to just make a chart and see everyday for a few months what Im high and low in...if that makes sense.
Every person is different and there is so much help on this forum that all the ladies have given...I'd be lost today without them, still feeling as though I was the only alien on the planet, that felt like I did.
I realise God intended for a woman to go through the change of life...so I except it, pray daily for wisdom and strength from him, to get through it!
Dont get me wrong I still have bad days and my bad days are VERY bad but I have come to the conclusion that the herbs I take on Monday may not work the same for me on Wednesday...my experience is all through lots of trial and error but if I can help someone get through peri natural, then Ive blessed someone other then myself. I hope this helps ladies.
Be Blessed & sending a comforting hug to those struggling today XX
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sharcerv52408 Blessed_Mimi
Blessed_Mimi sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Blessed_Mimi
liz53953 Blessed_Mimi
Blessed_Mimi liz53953
annieschaefer Blessed_Mimi
I thank you for posting this today. Like you, I am doing the best I can during this time. I have been keeping tabs of my ups and downs for past two years on my google calendar and it helps to keep all this in perspective.
You are spot on, at least for me as how to get through this-one day at a time and know that someday it will level out.
Annie xx
Blessed_Mimi annieschaefer
Taking one day at a time , while getting through with the herbs and vitamins that makes us feel good, for that one day...takes us another day closer to the end. Be blessed xx
BellaRubia Blessed_Mimi