Who are the 'Specialists' regarding Peri/Menopause that they keep talking about in the UK Press??
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Sorry girls, but I've just read the Daily Mail online (UK) and they've got a big article on how to' breeze' through the Menopause with articles running today and all of next week.
Great! We have someone in the Press on our side, at last. But hold on a minute, who are these 'Specialists' they refer to, who 'are urging......' us ladies?
As far as I'm concerned, to get to a Specialist in the UK you have to have some pretty major underlying problems to get referred to any specialist, let alone a Gynechologist specialising in all-things Peri/Meno!!
No doubt if you are happy to pay privately, you can see ANYONE to discuss ANY health issue: just most people don't have the money for this.
But more to the point: to see a Specialist you have to get a referral through a GP: there lies the problem. I'm sure there are many women on this forum who would agreed most know very little about this age-old phenomenon (been around as long as we've been around!) and treat it somewhat like a taboo.
I for one will be reading these artiles with interest. There's articles on HRT, research from the US, things we can take to help ourselves and, wait for it, even the perfect 'Menopause' Diet for us too!
We should feel totally indebted to the Daily Mail for highlighting this terrible, disgusting 'disease' ha, ha, ha!!!
No doubt I'll be reporting back next week with something to say about it. All I'll say today is: Specialists - huh! And lentils, tofu, miso - not for me ta
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Trevis shaznay96184
annieschaefer shaznay96184
As usual, you make me laugh! Glad you saw the same article-thought it was a joke at first!
The part that made me really laugh was "On Monday, we reveal how you can carry on feeling — and looking — sexy through the menopause. Tuesday focuses on the many and varied symptoms, and how to tackle them." Really? Carry on feeling and looking sexy? Come on now! Maybe for some that is a high concern, but I'd rather find out how to level out the crazy mood swings, low libido and such.........haha!
Looking forward to your updates!
wearykitty annieschaefer
annieschaefer wearykitty
Perhaps they will, but making one the 1st topics about "looking and feeling sexy" is well....lack for a better term.....off putting to say the least. haha! Got bigger concerns at the moment!
shaznay96184 annieschaefer
Just can't wait for Monday to come.
I'm sand-blasting my legs and armpits, and trimming my 'tash & goatie, folding my bellies into my 'Bridget Jones' ', picking up my boobs from the floor and pouring them into my '50 Shades of Washing Grey' Wonder Bra.......just in case I get anything near a knee-jerking moment from their advice:-) !!!
Probably have celebrity Meno 'Cougars' like Madonna telling us to 'use it or lose it' when the only thing I've got in common with her is that I too sometimes forget my words and stumble occasionally, often with an audience:-) !!
annieschaefer shaznay96184
I woke up feeling a bit low this am-you are the perfect fix for that! I read your post here and have tears of laughter here!
You are so right. Great one about Ms. Madonna.................Bwahaahaahhhaaa! Crazy.
I saw your comment on there, well done! I couldn't resist to add a few myself. Reading the comments on the article, really gives you some more insight as to how clueless the majority of males and surprisingly some females (oh boy one in particulart was a real humdinger! utterly clueless, since she had no issues, therefore if you read this article and "believe you won't have issues-problem solved" ((shaking head)) ) really about this topic.
Guess I was too until I got into what I hope is the tail end. I always had PMS so I know how hormone imbalance can rock you, but to write an article painting an idea that fixing one's diet and good grief last worry on my list is "feeling and looking" sexy right now, is a real disservice to all women. It's much more than this. The article actually made me appreciate my husband more, as he gets it, and between this site with you lovely ladies and him, I'll get through this eventually!
Thank you again for the laughs-perfect timing!
Annie xx
shaznay96184 annieschaefer
(Honestly, 'He' knows he's on a promise if he catches me shaving my legs with his Bic disposable!)
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