Why am i being referred to a specialist?
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I hope people don't mind me asking this particular question on the forum but i just hope someone can reassure me. I have been referred to a specialist by my GP because a cyst on my liver was found by chance (the scan i had was looking for possible gallstones). Naturally, i am terrified it's cancer and can't get it out of my mind that this is the reason i am being referred. My question is, is my referral due to the fact that the GP suspects cancer? i do appreciate any answers please
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Redwoodgirl carina62
Your GP may be asking a specialist to check the cyst, as it is more than likely out of their expertise. Remember that cysts in the liver are very common, so don't jump to conclusions!
GP's are not authorised in many clinics to ask for MRI's and only a specialist can do that. So in order to clarify that it is NOT cancer often an MRI is ordered and as I said, only a specialist can order that. If they are still in doubt they will in time, do a fine needle biospsy.
Cysts can be anything from a tapeworm (eeeewww! LOL!) to benign fatty cysts, to cancer, but don't jump to conclusions!
Expecting the worst will only give you grey hairs.
carina62 Redwoodgirl
jaw444 carina62
carina62 jaw444