Wierd mouth symptoms
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Does anyone suffer mouth problems? Since menopause my mouth has been affected, i remember scraping it once on hard food and the top of mouth had some blood blisters, I wondered what it was a first. My tongue feels abit wierd at times like its raised, like something has caused an allergy on it and part of my mouth seems dry!
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jo67532 pinkcatfairy
i get the dry mouth at times and it makes my tongue feel very odd, almost like sand paper.
pinkcatfairy jo67532
With the dry mouth do you get it all over or like me, it feels dry in certain areas like the corner of mouth?
cindy_45475 pinkcatfairy
I had a sore tongue last week; but pleased to say this cleared up within a few days
kim35797 pinkcatfairy
I get problems with my mouth and also sensitive teeth .
pinkcatfairy kim35797
Yes i went through a stage of sensitive teeth but that symptoms did pass
susane84679 pinkcatfairy
it's so weird that this topic would come up today. I just come from the dentist and was told I have some bone loss. he said that it's very common in women going thru menapause. apparently our teeth get more sensitive and our mouth changes. gotta love this menapause crap!
sharon03238 pinkcatfairy
Yes my mouth feels very delicate, i ate a bag if crisps and my gums were very sore, i also have dry mouth and burning xx
pinkcatfairy sharon03238
Yes just another symptom it seems!
Keljo48 sharon03238
I feel that way! My gums and inside cheeks are very delicate that I even get anxiety at my teeth cleaning because I have delicate gums. I have to avoid eating anything crunchy because my gums get sore. I also have dry mouth and get "crusties" in the corners of my mouth because of it. Ugh.
pinkcatfairy Keljo48
I get the dry mouth but is seems to be on just the left side?
Yes it seems quite dry at the moment but only in part of my mouth which feels wierd, anothsr symptom to add i supppose, im four years post menopause and i still have things popping up!
christine66659 pinkcatfairy
im 10 yrs post and still get things pop up to...was ok when my periods stopped didnt even know until i went dr after not having period for a yr at 42...
Eliaimee1970 pinkcatfairy
i dont have mouth problems but I do have sensitive teeth like i have a tooth that bothers me a lot i went to 2 endo and have a root canal and 2 endo and multiples xrays, no fractures , im going in to retreat the tooth one year in this pain and i think is hormonal .
pinkcatfairy Eliaimee1970
Yes at one stage i had the sensitive teeth!