Will I ever be the same? When will the changes stop?
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I just noticed this new symptom(if you can call it that) and after being on the forum realized it maybe menopause related. Has anyone notice a heighten sense of smell? I use to love perfume and would by bottles at a time, but for the past maybe six months I stopped wearing it because I couldn't stand the smell. Going down the soap and detergent isle in the store is a nightmare, I want to gag the smell is so strong to me now.
I also want to ask has anyone notice a change in their tastebuds? Food doesn't taste as good to me now. It's like my tastebuds have been dulled. I will go o out to eat and people will be raving about how good the food is and for me it's just, meh. I mean everything is meh and I consider myself a foodie. This one of the simple pleasures in life, now that seems like it's being taken away too!
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tina00239 juanita93228
OMG, I thought I was nuts when I told people about the changes in my 5 main senses. See, Hear, Smell, Touch and Taste. My vision has gone haywire, my sense of smell is so heightened that the smell of some things actually makes me throw up. I have constant noises in my ears, the taste in my mouth is so disgusting everything tastes foul and my body feels so strange that I cant bear to be touched or have anything touch certain parts. I'd no idea until recently that it was connected to menopause but it isnt just the main sex hormones that get screwed up, but all the other chemical messengers in the body! XXX
juanita93228 tina00239
Mamaw08 juanita93228
I thought I was going crazy. My sense of smell is crazy, my husband always tells me it's just me, nobody else smells what I smell. And I constantly feel like my body smells even though I shower and wear body sprays. My vision has me convinced I'm going blind. The things we go through as woman.
tina00239 Mamaw08
Too right! And hubby is WRONG! It is not just you, i've been posting all over the place that what people dont realise is that it isnt just the sex hormones that go mad, but other body chemicals that rely on them to function normally cant, hence the interference in sense of smell, taste, vision, hearing and touch. No one who has problems with these are unusual it is totally menopause! XXX YOU WILL BE OK!