With drawing from vagifem.
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I was on Femoston conti for three years,and now the doctor has put me on Vagifem.I now find I am suffering with stomach cramps and pelvic pain. As any one else suffered let this I would love to know.
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Rhino2015 Jennyann
Will be watching your post hope you get some answers soon
Jennyann Rhino2015
Thank you for your reply.I was taken off Femoston conti simply because I have reach the age of sixty, but I needed something to help with vagina dryness so was put on vagifem.
caroline25937 Jennyann
Then he recently started me on Vagifem.. i could only put up with that for 5 days and then had to stop using it at the weekend due to the same problem, burning, bladder spasm, frequency , pelvic pain and bloating with cramps.
I'm stuck now as my Gyne is on holiday and I have no idea what I should do. Went to the doctors this morning and they were no help.
Jennyann caroline25937
It's nice to know I am not alone. When I told my GP about the awful cramps and stomach pain she total dismissed the idea it could be the Vagifem and advised me to continue with the treatment. Took one more dose still In agony, so I spoke to a different doctor and was told to come off it immediately.So I have been off it two weeks now and the pain is starting ease.
caroline25937 Jennyann
Can I ask how old you are please? I'm 44.
So that is two lots of topical estregen over the last few weeks that have only made my symptoms much worse with added pelvic cramping pain and upset tummy/nausea... it does make me wonder it really does.
Afew people have mentioned to me about endometriosis as a possibility and the fact that feeding estregen only makes endo symptoms 100 times worse. I'm having the laporoscopy in two weeks with the gyne I've been seeing. It does make me wonder if there is something else going on like Endo then why on earth would the gyno be giving me Estrgen to use which only makes matters worse???
My blood tests for hormones the FSH was only slightly elevated he said but on that basis he thinks I am hitting the change?? but my regular doctor has seen the results and doesn't think I am going through the change and was surprised when she heard that the gyne thought I was
I am totally baffled and it makes me wonder do any of them know what they are doing?
Jennyann caroline25937
I am sixty and that is the reason the doctor took me off the Femoston. I agree with you it seems one size fits all but that's not the case. Can I ask do you get irritation down below I have had this for 5 years and still cannot solve the problem. I am due to see a dermotologist at the end of the month. Hope she has the answer.
caroline25937 Jennyann
The irritation I have been getting has been going on since January but it is more bladder/uretha irrtitation, which my gyne is saying is all combined with hormones etc.
I'm not going to know anymore until I have the laparoscopy...
will keep you posted
Rhino2015 Jennyann
Thank you for your replies
Jennyann Rhino2015
The answer to your question ? did I take asprin and the answer is no.The reason I came off Fem Con was,you have a larger risk of getting cancer after the age of sixty.
Rhino2015 Jennyann
Rhino2015 Jennyann
Having awful irritation and hope it subsides soon?
How is the Vagifem going - hope you are having some success?
Thank you,