Working from home during peri/menopause...
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Hi ladies , can all the ladies out there going through their peri/menopause that are working from home share please what it is they do from home and how you got started..I read a lot of woman that can't leave their house and carry on through out their day at work anymore because of their symptoms being so bad that they have had to quit their jobs and I am one of them.. I'm just wondering if any ladies could share some ideas of what they do from home to help make ends meet during this awful time of life.. Thanks 😃
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Takingtime Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy, I work from home, but it is not because of my symptoms from perimenopause, it's more to do with juggling family life with family to care for and being available for them. There are many jobs you can work from home, but it still in my opinion doesn't allow you to hide from the world which is some days what we want right? To have a successful business you have to push harder and the only way to make ends meet is to have a successful business. For me I have clients coming into my home, and what I do is massage therapy which can be hard on my body some days, and I still have to deal with talking to people even on days I rather be chilling out or resting and be alone (something that Perimenopause has brought on).The only perk of working from home and for yourself is you can schedule around things like appointments, and family priorities, and you can make your own hours and the best part is you don't have to answer to anyone, if you don't work you just don't make money, but you don't have that threat of losing a job or answering to a boss or co-workers. The other great thing is if you know when your symptoms are going to be their worst, you just book less people that week. So there are pros and cons for sure depending what you are looking for to do. If you are not wanting to deal with people face to face, there are many marketing companies that do their businesses online through social media, but you have to be careful as some are pyramid businesses and you really don't end up making any money and if anything you lose money because usually you have to buy into their products first and have to praise the product your trying to sell and hope people buy into that. Many of my friends work from home here are some examples. Hair dresser, esthetician (which is nails, and skin care), Life coach, Reflexologist, Child care provider, Marketing business, Artist, soap maker, cookie maker, so there are lots of ideas. Some of these things you have to take courses for to get certified to do, so I am not sure that is something you are interested in either as you have to invest money into that as well. It sounds like you are at a cross roads and wanting to make a change in your life. I personally think having a bit of control on your life is a good thing especially during this phase of life when we feel like our bodies are out of control. So I hope you can find the right fit for you.
sakura26 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy, I actually wanted to work from home even before peri hit me but it's been a blessing since I've been dealing with so many symptoms. I actually had a FT job as a copywriter working in an office and wanted to switch careers. So I saw an ad for junior AI writer in San Francisco for a startup. So I took a chance and asked if they needed any remote part-time help. They did so I started working for them in addition to my FT job. Then eventually they were able to hire me FT and kept me remote and actually have quite a few remote employees. I do so plenty of remote jobs out there more and more. It just depends on what field you're in. I would just search on job sites for remote jobs. I also have a second remote job for extra money that I just got through a contract agency. There are a ton of them like vitamin t, creative circle etc. I don't know if you have 2 incomes or one but if you got enough freelance work you might have 40 hours tho I know that's trickier. Good luck!
Thanks taking time and sakura , all really great ideas.. Yes I'm just looking for some change maybe I have RA And that prevents me from doing the work I use to do , and now being at home mostly with my grandkids during the day I do some eBay sales which is ok but have done it for a few years now and its not as good as it use to be or could be.. Well thank you both for your replies all good ideas..
tamsin00119 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy
A number of years ago I decided that the day I turn 55 I will hand in my resignation, sell house, pack up and move to a small town out in the country. And that is exactly what I did. I am now 58 and have been at it for 3 years. Back then I was not having too many issues barring the hot flashes and mood swings mostly. But when I left I had arranged with my work that I would like them to give me work on contract basis year by year. This they did and my first job started like 3 months after I left. The work I am assigned are projects related that could run over anything from a few hours to 6 months... I make good money and work mostly from home..On the odd occasion I am required to travel out of town or even out of country for a short period... If I did not do that I am not sure I would have coped now with all my symptoms. The world I do is development in the financial systems Oracle space. I guess I was lucky I did not have to go looking for the work... there are however sites specially America that you can sign up to and make some money online... just Google it you will see quite a lot... good luck!!