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I am worried because i have googled about my symptoms and the big c comes up all the time. Reading horror stories of women who put symptoms down to perimenopause and its OC. My waist line has grew in the last 8/9 months and i have went up 2 dress sizes(never been this big only when pregnant), my periods are all over the place and now i keep getting twinges/pains in my left ovary area and ibs type symptoms.Just had bloods done this morning for thyroid, hormones, LFT, full blood count, vit B12 etc but i can't stop worrying even though my gp isn't. I keep trying to reassure myself that in approx 10 months if it was serious i would be more ill than i am. I forget about it then i get the pain in my ovary area and then i worry again.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi dianne I know exactly how you feel Hun. I am constantly worried about the illnesses it could be all the time! It's so draining. My doc isn't worried but I get stuck in a cycle of agreeing just after I've seen her but then soon as I get a twinge/ache/heart flutter (or whatever) I start the worry cycle all over again. I think it's because you become more aware of mortality really?

    Anyway just wanted you to know u r not alone and I feel exactly the same as you. Take care xxxxx

    • Posted


      That's exactly the same for me, every day is swallowed up with a symptom now and it gets you down. I don't want to think this way and I wish I could just switch it off. It just seems that this is common amongst ladies in peri

  • Posted

    Hi Dianne

    You are not alone. Everytime I get a ache or pain I think the worst. Its a vicious cycle. One thing for sure, don't google. It will only make your anxiety worse. So many ailments have the same symptoms so google always gives you the worst. Its always stressful waiting on tests to come back. Try to keep positive about your tests. If the doctor suspected the worst he/she would have made you aware. I know it's easier said than done. You will be ok and will get through it.

  • Posted

    I know you can't help worrying and Dr Google is so scary.

    If it helps I've had aches in my female areas sometimes my breasts. I'm 7 Lbs heavier than I was with my last two pregnancies and can't seem to shift it.

    I started HRT in November and worried about the cancer side effects, when I started it I was thinking it would make things worse for the health anxiety, but I can tell you in my case at least most of that fear was caused by my lack of hormones and has pretty much gone now.

  • Posted

    Girls, I don't want to add to your troubles, but stress is a BIG cancer factor. Stress does terrible things to our insides and I'm the worst one for it! I may look calm and composed but (like the swan) I'm paddling like mad under the surface. We must learn to relax.

    The full bloods is a good thing. I've just had one done. It gives you a good idea about what is going on and where you can make improvements. Just make sure your GP explains all the figures and go over them while you are there. And don't be persuaded that you need medication for anything until you have done some research. Yes you can frighten yourself with Dr Google but you can also learn a lot if you find the right site.

    There have been a couple of times recently when my OH has 'educated' our GP about research/drug reactions that he knew nothing about! One concerned him stopping Metformin before a procedure at the hospital. His Doc said no but he did and the specialist said it was the right thing to do.

    Come on girls lets be kind to ourselves - and, as the Good book says 'fret not yourself, it tends only to evil'. Good advise... if only it were that easy.

  • Posted

    My name is Dianne too. Ironically with 2n''s too, but I go by Didi0613. Anyways, I was the same as you, except I lost weight. Lost like 20 lbs. last year for no reason. Had high anxiety, terrible IBS, indigestion, bad mood swings, night sweats, hot flashes. Just didn't feel right. Had all these tests done and all came back negative. Then had this enlarged lymph node in my neck. Thought I had Hodgkins Lymphoma cause I had so many of the symptoms. Had it out and tested for cancer. Turned out it was negative too. I read so much on Google, it drove me nuts and worried all the time I was dying of something fatal. Turned out it was all in my mind. Created a lot of the symtoms myself from depression and anxiety.

    I ended up being ok. After about 4 mos. Of living hell I somehow got through it. I gained my weight back and then some. I still hate scales though cause now I hate having a big belly. Still have night sweats and have trouble sleeping, tired a lot, get headaches, etc. But I work out more, worry less and eat like there is no tomorrow. Things will ease up. Just try staying off Google. Keep positive, keep busy with your family and friends, work out, take vitamino D and B12, stop worrying about what you might have. Chances are you don't. These peri. symptoms are real, you just have to accept them and know you are going to be Ok. Take care.

  • Posted

    Hi dianne. I get ovulation pain in my ovaries mid cycle. More often than not the left ovary for some reason.

    I think as we get older we become more in tune with our bodies and feel every little strange or different occurrence. We are told to check this and that regularly and look out for irregularities and report them to gp so it's bound to make us worry. And being peri menopausal increases the anxiety feelings.

    Try not to worry too much, the stress hormones put fat round our middles I believe! Mother Nature is cruel sometimes 🙂

    Good luck with the bloods xx

  • Posted

    I have been suffering from anxiety and depression since my mums death last summer , but they think some of it can be down to my hormones as well . I will be 49 in August . My periods are still regular , although I do get one every 3 and a bit weeks sometimes but then more or less on time the next . They are heavy and I became anaemic but I have tablets now that reduce the blood loss and clots . I am also on citalopram , an anti depressant . The thing is I am not sure if these symptoms are peri so I've come on here for some input from all you lovely ladies . Now and again I get this nausea , churning stomach and feeling full . I also get the intense heat that seems to emulate from my middle and go through my body sometimes into my legs as well , but goes as quick as it comes lasting only a matter of seconds . Weird . Then I will often feel cold after briefly . Is this normal or should I be concerned ? Is it part anxiety , but surely my tablets should be helping . If anyone can send me their thoughts on this . I'm fed up of going back to the doctor and I'm sure my family are getting fed up of me and all my tales of woe . I used to be so healthy and fit as a fiddle . Just to add I did have a terrible time when I first started my periods , so can this affect your peri and menopause as well ? Thank you for reading this
    • Posted

      Hi Jane,

      It sounds like peri to me.

      I had all that and antidepressants didn't help much. I had it from early 40s, then after my periods stopped I just felt so hot all the time, not sweats just boiling inside.

      I started HRT in November and it all went away, the depression I've had for about 10 years began to lift within the first two weeks on estrogen.

      So in my case the depression was definitely caused by menopause.

      I had nausea and a horrible taste in my mouth for years as well both have gone now.

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