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Hi...just want to know if anyone has ever had heavy periods with huge clots? Ive had my period for almost 2 weeks now and the past week ive had some heavy bleeding and also passing quite large clots. This isnt normal for me as my period would only ever last about 4 days once a month. Im worried this is something sinister. Ive an appointment with the gp tomorrow to see whats going on. Really stressing out now 😕

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18 Replies

  • Posted


    I get the clots during the heaviest days of my periods.I don't think its anything to worry about.Its good you have made a appointment with your doctor,my periods last around six days and the only time they go on for longer is when I am stressed about something. Please don't stress about it.All the best Millie

    • Posted

      Hi Millie, my period came as normal on the 23rd of last month. Even then it was very light. Not my usual flow. I thought nothing of it. It lasted a few days and stopped...then a week later it came back and ive been bleeding constantly for 2 weeks now. Im hoping it is stress related...but the doctor cant do a scan until the bleeding stops. Xx
    • Posted


      I hope it is stress related.I don't understand your doctor not doing a scan until bleeding stops as I have had a internal scan when I have been bleeding.All the best.

    • Posted

      Hi Millie

      I dont know why he didnt do a scan either...but if it continues il go to A&E and get it done there. It cant be good for you losing that much blood over a period of time.xx

    • Posted


      Yes I would go to A&E If I was you.You should not be left to suffer,please let me know how you get on.Milliex

  • Posted

    Hi Clare,

    Sometimes clots are normal. You dont say how old you are but was there any chance you my have been pregnant?

    take care

    • Posted

      Hi Dawn...thanks for replying! Im 35 and have never had problems with my periods before. Me and my partner dont always use protection but he never goes all the way when we do have sex without a condom. So i dont know if i could have been pregnant and suffered a miscarriage. Ive had no pain just constant bleeding and clots. Dr said he cant do a scan until the bleeding stops 😕

    • Posted

      Sometimes periods change for no reason so it may not be a miscarriage.

      Clots are also normal sometimes and can be scary when it happens. hope your scan sheds some light on what might be happening.

      take care

    • Posted

      Me too Dawn. Ive enough too deal with without this aswell. I just tend too overthink things and worry myself and get in a state of panic. 😕

    • Posted

      Ive got anxiety and with that comes panic...i hate it. I think i need to start telling myself things will be ok and not to see the bad in everything x
    • Posted

      Hi Claire

      First don't worry. You're at the same age I was when I began growing uterine fibroids they cause long, heavy, huge clotty periods. It's the joy of starting perimenopause. I eventually had my fibroid removed. Because the heavy flow was interfering with my life. And I was becoming anemic. First I suggest cancelling your gp appt and make one with a gynocologist. They can do a transvaginal ultrasound even while you're bleeding. And to be honest it's the test you need. Good luck and keep us updated. But as hard as it is try not to worry.

    • Posted

      I know its horrible, try not to worry i know it is easier said than done.

      Tricia has some valuable advice also smile

    • Posted

      Hi Tricia...i will see what my GP says next time i see him. Have to go back in 2 weeks. Just aslong as i get to the bottom of it someway. Ive never had this problem before so of course i jump to the worst possible conclusions...Thanks for your advice. I really appreciate it x
    • Posted

      Thanks Dawn. Will keep an eye on things...thanks for your advice also xx

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