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I had the marina coil in for 5 years . After it was taken out had 1 very heavy period 6 months later .periods then stopped for 15 months . Now i have just got one . Full on Thought menopause had started. Migraine cramps and bleeding just my normal. Was i even in menopause im 45 ??
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lynda20916 carole27374
Sorry you're going through this. I suggest that you head back to your gyn for an appointment. Might want to get an ultrasound to check the width of your uterine wall, just in case. At 45 you can indeed experience menopause. But, it's best to get this checked out. xx
carole27374 lynda20916
lynda20916 carole27374
Well, okay. I can see where she's coming from. I call it the "kick the can down the road" way to practice medicine. That essentially results in waiting till something else happens. A simple ultrasound might indicate you could have something else going on than a hormone surge...she could also have done blood work.
So you feel better emotionally. I'm glad of that, but please get back to her if this continues. Don't leave it to chance. xx
carole27374 lynda20916
louellen39047 carole27374
Oooppsss...just wrote a response and am now seeing this response. Sorry.
If you went to a GP/PCP....I'd say that she's likely right about the hormone surge as you're likely not in menopause yet. However, like someone else has suggested, I would think that she would have done a blood test to get a ball park idea as well as an ultrasound when this period is over to see the thickness of your lining. I guess that you're still so young that she's not worried but, I'd also say that at least a blood test for FSH and LH as well as an ultrasound would have been called for and would be safer. At the least, it would tell both of you whether you truly are in menopause or not.
louellen39047 carole27374
Worried, I'm sorry that I'm late to the table. I just wanted to give my 2 cent's worth.
I also had the Mirena Coil for 3 months and had to have it taken out because I started getting horrible migraines and Bayer (the manufacturer) told me (as did 3 ER docs) that it was likely the progesterone/IUD itself that were causing it.
Enter having it taken out. (I was 59 years of age and don't know where I am in the spectrum as neither do the docs).
Here's what I DO know though.
While the coil is in, it's releasing Progesterone to keep the lining thin. That steady dose of Progesterone/progestin (it's synthetic progesterone) and thin out the lining while it's in but, take it out and one goes back to normal hormonal levels eventually.
From the sounds of your situation as well as your age, it's sounding to me as though the IUD kept your periods at bay so not a true menopause but, rather caused by the IUD which is standard and the hoped for idea behind it for a lot of women.
When you had it removed, estrogen started taking over, causing the lining to build again, unprotected by the progesterone as you're likely at the age where your estrogen levels are soaring but, your progesterone (which keeps you regularly bleeding every month) is lowered (which is normal).
I think that you are likely still in "peri menopause" given that you're still within the age group to get periods and secondly, you're also in the age group to get wonky periods. I don't think you were truly in Menopause but, may be starting towards it now. I think that the Mirena disguised it.
Now, I'm not a doctor or medical professional so, I'd say to run it past your doc and see what she/he has to say. They may even want to do a blood test for FSH and LH to get an idea of where you are and will likely send you for an ultrasound to see the lining thickness.
Try not to panic if you can. This is fairly common and the average age for menopause is around 46 to 55 years of age. You've still got plenty of time but, best to get it checked out by a professional to tell you one way or another. I think you're fine though. Just get your doc to have a look at things. He/she may dismiss it as nothing to be concerned about.
carole27374 louellen39047