Worried about my sexual experienced
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Hi ladies,
I for the most part this year i have not really had but like 4 periods and well they have been very irregular, i am 46 yrs old and well for the most part my sexual desires most part have been gone too… how ever I decided to have sex not once but twice without any protection.…in one day😅 …!
And my concern and worry is; could I still get pregnant?! For God knows what reason my body decided to have 2 periods this past month👎👎 I know this post seems so air head but it is a legit concern to me…So please ladies help me by sharing some knowledge as to wether or not I may still be fertile😬😬
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gailannie Goddess1
I know this is a big concern, so I will offer this answer. Odds are pretty good that you will not get pregnant. Your periods are very irregular, and that indicates that your fertility is also severly in decline. During this stage of perimeno, we ovulate less often, and therefore, are not good candicates for pregnany. Now nothing is 100%, until you reach menopause, so caution is obviously needed in the future.
But honestly, I don't think I'd worry about water under the bridge. Nothing you can really do now, except wait for the next irregular period.
PS there are wide swings to hormones in perimenopause, You just happened to hit a good day where things alligned, and your libido came rushing back. I've been in meno for many years......boy would I love to feel that libido again. Enjoy it, while you've got it.
Goddess1 gailannie
hi Gail
thanks so much for your reply! & I hope & pray you're right as at my age I can't afford raising a another kid, (my oldest is 23😅
and an abortion would probably be my only option😢😢😢😢 moving forward I will be careful from now on if I get the desire again…! Thanks my love and good luck to you, hugs
maxinecarla Goddess1
Hi Goddess1,
I don't want to scare you, but my grandmother fell pregnant at the age of 52. She was having regurlar sex though. Why don't you buy yourself a pregnancy test, I believe they work after a week of intercourse. That would put your mind at rest once you know for sure.
BTW, if you go on HRT in the future, your libido will come back good and strong.
unico31026 Goddess1
It's definitely a ligit concern! I'm 41 and didn't know until last year that I was in Peri but I was told at 20 after having a horrible miscarriage due to being hit by a semi that I would never have anymore children, I had two at the time. But since I've joined this group I have realized that I was I Peri at the age of 36 and at that time Peri got me pregnant! My mom said that was my miracle child and it could never happen again lol. Well low and behold during Peri I got pregnant again at the age of 38 and now I have my first babies which are 25 and 24 but thanks to Peri I also have a 5 and 3 year old so if you don't want anymore children please protect yourself because Peri will definitely get you ! Now I'm starting kindergarten all over again after I've raised my first two. Don't get me wrong I love my babies but it's definitely harder to raise Lil kids at my age now because Peri has all my bones and back hurting all the time . add on the anxieties and depression and its harder for me to take them out to parks so I buy them every toy that they want to keep the happy because its hard to take them out with my depression, PTSD and anxieties!
Goddess1 unico31026
Omg !!! God bless you and thanks so much for replying …! You are most definitely my héroe I will most definitely will start using protection! Good luck to you hunny, hugs
Shelly0069 Goddess1
Hi, chanches are still there Hun!!!!!
i got caught.........!
having 2 children, my youngest came quite late on for me hence the reason I'm telling you that there' always a chance.
and it's hard I haven't the energy, nothing like what I had with my other 2 children, BUT I do love him all of them equally.
all I'm saying YES there is a very good chance! I'm living proof!
Goddess1 Shelly0069
thanks so much girl! I will definitely start using protection if I get the desire again…! Good luck to you my love, hugs