worried again
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Ladies, I am so upset and scared. I feel panicked and don't know if I'm freaking out for nothing.
I posted a couple of weeks ago about my period changes and a lot of you made me feel so much better ??
Now I'm worrying again and really need some support. About three weeks ago I started 'spotting'. Felt like I had my period but really didn't have much blood at all. First day used a tampon but then didn't need one as the blood was only when I wiped. That was about three days then a day or two of nothing and then another four days of the spotting nonsense.
After that I felt a lot better and carried on, encouraged by the lovely ladies here.
Well I started 'spotting' again the other day (after about a week with nothing). Hardly anything at all but it has happened a few times. Again, just when I wipe. And again I feel like I have my period.
I am am reading a lot and watching stupid YouTube videos and everything is making me feel like this is NOT normal in peri and that something serious is wrong.
I think I've had some minor spotting prior to periods a few times in the past year but nothing like this.
Im really freaking out. I can't think straight and just feel like crying. I don't know if this is spotting or just crazy light periods super close together! I feel so lost and have no one in my life who can help 🙁
I had had to leave work early today. I felt so anxious and scared about literally everything.
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carol62649 savannahjones
Hi Denice,
i am sure what you are going through is quite normal for peri, please dont panic. To ease your mnd see the Dr, i had my ps every 23 days and they started to get very heavy big clots etc i had large fibroids as well. I remember freaking out when the blood was running down my legs, so i know how upset you are.
Calm yourself, deep breathing, stay connected to the now, remind yourself this is the change of life and this will pass. All our friends on this forum will say the same, we all deal with a variety of health scares and issues. Im at present having a hard time too but i know i dont travel this road alone, i try to see the positives in my life everyday. Its a slow progress but you are strong and can get through it with support and understanding. Dont be scared to ask for help.
I dont have a lot of family near me and i feel my friends have enough to cope with so i dont say much about how awful i feel.
Write your worries here and we will reply!
Chin up and know things do get better,
xox 🌼
maddysmom2015 savannahjones
Oh sweetie! I can hear the panic in your voice!
I have had that experience a few times. The first was from a benign uterine polyp. I guess it swings around in there, disturbing the lining before it is ready to be shed. That causes the off-scheduling bleeding. (Mine looked like a tiny version of a prize fighter's heavy bag, just swinging.)
I have had off schedule bleeding a few other times when it was just hormone related.
Both times I had a transvaginal ultrasound to be sure. I had a uterine biospy for the polyp so they did not have to do the biopsy the second time.
It is so easy to use the internet to panic. I am the queen of doing so! In an effort to self soothe and find some answers, we can self-escalate without meaning to. I too have left work after having a complete melt down over the bleeding. You are not alone!
Can you make an appointment with your Gyn? I can get myself so scared and so wound up, I can't even manage the phone call.
But we are here for you!
angel368 savannahjones
If you are worried about any symptoms or change in symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor so they can investigate everything fully. It is most likely due to peri, but it is good to know for sure.
2chr2015 savannahjones
Hi Denice. I am so sorry you are feeling this way! Ugh. I have been there as the other ladies that commented have also. It is just an awful way to feel. I still have those moments, but I have learned what to do and what to avoid to minimize the emotional turmoil. I don't get on fb, Google symptoms , or watch commercials. It probably sounds extreme, but it works for me. I watch old tv shows that make me laugh and when my brain tries to go to that deep dark hole, I just start telling myself it's just hormones. ((Hugs)). I hope you start to feel better soon.
natallia04776 savannahjones
Aghast, I understand. I have the same since March and blood test all good and I had about a year ultrasound because couldn't feel my coil. Anyway my GP doesn't think anything but I'm going to come back and make him to have another ultrasound see how things are.
Don't panic, make an appointment and get checked.
pinkcatfairy savannahjones
I had this on and off for some time. Wipe yourself juat abit there and this went on for some weeks. For peace of mind I asked for a transvaginal scan to give me peace of mind more than anything but this was definitely what I had, whereas my friend just had the heavy prolonged periods. I know how anxious this can make you feel xx
maria101 savannahjones
Hi denicekimberly, all those symptoms are hormonal feeling anxious and scared is not nice to deal with but it will stop and come back and disappear again...I've been through that for 5 years I'm going 55 next year periods have stop but still transitioning to menopause
it eases with time so don't beat yourself up to much it will subside ok.