Worried I have a brain tumour
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I'm a 17 year old and on Sunday, I had the worst headache I've ever had. It lasted from about half three till late at night and I couldn't stop vomiting. (I had previously had a bad head like this the previous Wednesday when I started my period). Anyway, I went to the ER and I had tests done, I was sent to Paediatrics ward because of how much I was vomiting. My blood pressure was slightly high but then went down when I relaxed. I had no aura or dizzy feelings. My sight was also fine but they did some eye tests and found that my right pupil (the side my head was hurting) was slightly dilated but reacting well to light. I responded well to all tests apart from my eye. I went back the day after and had the same problem with my eye, my head wasn't as near as bad. It keeps getting better in fact. I went back today and I have to see an eye doctor tomorrow to check what's wrong with my pupil and if there is pressure, I have to have a brain scan.
IM SO SCARED. I'm so so scared and I don't know how to cope.
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SteV3 gabiforder
Pressure on the eye can cause glaucoma, you can find more details about that on this site:
Brain scans are normal precedure, this would be an MRI scan - I've had many of them done over years from brain to full body scans. Please do not read everything you see on the internet, you can easily be misled into having something that you haven't. By the way, my MRI scan has always been clear, and I'm 50 - I have a very rare nerve condition called Generalized Dystonia, basically I can't do anything on my own, and have to take in excess of 140+ tablets per week.
You're are really quite young, I would stop worrying about what you think you may have, and causing depression until you have seen the results first.
Feel free to come back, we are a friendly bunch of people with various ailments, whom help people by informing them what we have gone through.
gabiforder SteV3
SteV3 gabiforder
Have you ever had Migraines before? They are like headaches but make you feel really ill, usually you can not even look at a light, these can be caused by sight problems. Did they do the vision test with the red light, whereby you click a button everytime you it? This test is normally done in a different room so you do not get distracted.
ichan0001 gabiforder
judit70361 gabiforder