Worst batch of symtoms
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Hi again girls !
Ive come to experience almost all symtoms of menopause. But they come in batches...some disappear for some time...reappear with vengeance. At one particular phase which set of symptoms have been the worst torture for you ?
For me the stomach problems like fast motility of food in food pipe ( dumping ) causes hypoglycemia so i have to eat frequently ( maximum 2 hours gap) so at night i have to keep food near the bed. But for fasting blood sugar test we need at least 8 to 12 hours gap after last meal at night. So I can never get a reading for fasting because i never fast !! and The last reading i had was indicative of the possibility that I might have diabetes at this particular time of life.
Then again this trap Ive fallen in right now - the coughing bouts trigger bladder problems...everytime I cough i pee in spurts so have to wear under garments accordingly and be careful i dont eat food that may cause cough. I dont know which batch of symtoms is worse. I also suffer from tremours, nausea etc etc
Please share your worse set of symtoms at any particular time.
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TropicalVon69 menopolized
I had the same symptom and found out I'm borderline diabetic 2....I take alive 50plus vits and found the eating thong has slowed somewhat....hope this helps....and my brain is working better
menopolized TropicalVon69
maria101 menopolized
Hi, yes symptoms can reappear to drive you around the bend, I could only eat 3 times a day and just before bed a banana hot cup Horlicks...well after that I can't wake myself up for food just because menopause I think my stomach realise it ain't getting nothing more till 10:00 next morning, in my mum's time they just did nothing ate normal no HRT work with it and carry on...I think in these times we are more scared of it and don't want deal with it like they did,I'm not to bad at the moment madness calm waiting for it bite again.
menopolized maria101
when you feel better comparatively for a day or part of it you dread what is coing back to visit you again !
LM2114 menopolized
I am not sure anymore since they change so much! Lately the anxiety and mood swings, but also I have been experiencing more hot flashes and night sweats, and incontinence is getting worse, I have to use incontinence pads which make me feel old on top of everything else
I notice this month was very close together (22 days) lasted longer and was heavier compared to last time which was 36 days apart and lasted only 2 days, so makes me wonder if the heavier the periods the worst the sympthoms or will it be just a coincidence? Will I feel normal again???
menopolized LM2114
of course there will be a balance when you will have better feelings
victoria94811 menopolized
I like your name. I've started coughing a lot too, flem type of stuff, at night usually but sometimes during the day. My husb always asks if I'm getting sick, but I'm not. It's annoying because I wake up to cough. I believe the hormones are what is making our appetites go haywire. If I have too much estrogen in my system I will eat nonstop without anything satisfying me, or filling me up. When the progesterone is in control I have a flat stomach and eat better food. I really wish we had a home self-test here in Australia that we could check our levels and dish out our hormone replacement pills according to need on the day, not as pre-set by a doctor ... What really bothers me is that every day is a fight and I say "today I won't let these symptoms define me" but the hip pain to exercise and the pain on waking gets me out of bed. I refuse to take painkillers. Not sure what is a "natural" remedy as all that stuff is untested too and build up can affect your heart (magnesium, calcium) and electrolytes.
menopolized victoria94811