Would this help with overheating?

Posted , 6 users are following.

Hey everyone, 

I'm on a team of three young guys designing a wristband which can help keep the body more comfortable in the heat. It is rechargeable and feels like a cold tap or ice cube on your wrist. We've been told a million times by advisors it could be good for menopausal women, but we don't have any personal experience with menopause, so we wanted to get feedback from you all! 

1. Do you think something like this (imagine an ice cube on your wrist) could help in a hot flash? And if so, how would you like it to be marketed to you in a respectful, non-stigmatizing way? 

2. What are the current solutions you have to hot flushes/flashes? 

3. Does overheating and hot flashes affect you more in the day or at night?

Thanks so much smile


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jesse,

    I would be willing to give anything a go..I feel warm all the time as you know during menopause the body cannot control temperature correctly...hot, sticky and sweaty ...get one in the post to me my love I will test it ..X

  • Posted

    My husband bought me a BedJet. It blows either cold or hot air under your sheets. It is AWESOME. Pricey though. As soon as I feel hot flash happening usually around 5am I turn that sucker on full blast. It has a remote control. Obviously only useful at night. Find it on Amazon. 
    • Posted

      It’s actually very quiet. Even at full blast it sounds like a very muted fan. The base part of it is actually under your bed. 
  • Posted

    In the hot weather I often run my wrists under a cold tap to cool down and I like the idea of a device that can do that. However, during a hot flash that makes no to little difference to me as its a much bigger experience than just cooling down blood temp in the wrist. Face, head, neck, armpits, back, get VERY hot and sweaty and a little device would not be big enough to tackle a normal hot flush otherwise we'd all be running the cold tap and not complaining. haha.

    If advisors have told you a "million times" it would be a good idea, why not run extensive trials with menopausal women and find out? Testing the real thing will gain your product more respect if you want to market it to women of a "certain age". I would be interested in the wristband for normal hot days anyway reagrdless of my crazy flashes.

    Good luck!

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