Wow...what's going on?

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This is the first time I have ever done an online support group.  But I need to know if other's are experiencing what I am.  I can see they are.  I had regular periods all of my life.  When I was 56, I had an Endometrial ablation.  It has been wonderful not to have periods any more.  However, my menopausal symptoms are over the top.  (Started two years ago, so I seem to be a little later to the game!) My hot flashes are often, one to three an hour, and very extreme.  I ignite like a heating pad in high position.  My husband can feel them coming on when he touches my back or body.  (Luckily I am married to a gem of a man and he is very supportive, but it makes me feel bad that he has to deal with this new me).  After the flashes, I am freezing cold.  I carry a fan and coat wherever I go no matter what the temperature.  I feel nauseated a great deal of the time.  I feel irritated easily and work hard to control that.  I have always maintained a healthy and active lifestyle.  I have been a very active grandma with my grandchildren-involved playing with them, exercising, etc.  My switch has flipped.  I am tired, don't feel like doing much, along with all the other symptoms I just mentioned.  I had my gallbladder out last spring which turned into a nightmare experience.  So sick for months and just started feeling a little better when my menopause vamped up.  I have back and neck pain, feet hurt when I walk.  It's not ME...or I guess now it is.  That is the really hard part-trying to adjust to this new person I have become and the new lifestyle I am having to live.  Any way, I have worked with my doctors and tried different things.  No luck yet-like some of you-tests come out mostly normnal, Yeah right!  I am going to switch up and get some new medical professionals on board and try accupuncture.  Thanks for listening to me vent.  I feel for you all and see it can be so different for each individual.  I just have feared more serious illness with all of these symptoms, but I am going to try to calm down and keep labeling it all as menopause.  If anyone discovers a magical bullet-please let us know! 

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    hi pam,  it is no walk in the park.  I was healthy and active with no health problems apart from menstrual migraine that just increased over time since I turned 40 (48 now)  but I coped with those always blaming it on food triggers or bad lighting.  Now I know they were hormones going wild.  You are in the bad symptom stage which started for me June 2015.  I had it all, but to reassure you, that over time (and a year and a half is a long time out of anyone's life) the symptoms are easing and your energy started to come back.  I still have horrible symptoms from time to time but have more settled months than unsettled months these days.  I still worry about other illnesses as these menopause symptoms are very unsettling, disturbing symptoms, but keep healthy with good diet and you will deal with them better.  I feel now I am 70% back to the old me, unfortunately it just takes time.  I believe now that there is no 'magical bullet'  just that the more you look after yourself with diet and activity, the easier it will be.

    • Posted

      Hi Metamorphed- (Great name!) Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and support.  We women really got that shaft on this one!  My oldest sister is 72 and still has hot flashes.  I feel bad for her. Hoping I will not follow that pattern.  I am just learning to take one day at a time. I wish you the best too!
  • Posted

    Hi Pamapause, you could be describing me there!😁I also have a great,

    understanding husband andI feel bad for him especially as I have gone

    off sex too. I am 56 and have had these symptoms for many years now

    and many others some of which are now starting to recur.

    We have to make ourselves do things and try to enjoy life or this thing

    will beat us. I haven't felt much like laughing lately and I am a great one

    for preaching laughter is the best medicine! I must admit I have had lots

    of family stress on top of all this so that hasn't helped.

    Anyway bought myself a nice twin set at the weekend to cheer myself up


    I wish you all the best and we are really lucky to have someone who loves

    us enough to help us through, one lady on here is having a terrible time

    with her husband. Keep talking to us all?

    • Posted

      Thanks Jokey for your supportive words.  Yes, we are lucky.  My hubby is my best friend now for 37+ years.  I feel sad for those who do not have an understanding and supportive partner or are alone. It's difficult enough with them by our sides!  Any way, this experience is a roller coaster I know, so "Whee" on the down hill and "Oh My" on the up!  I have a chronically ill son too which does add to my worry and stress. Trying to take better care of myself.  I know this makes a difference.   Enjoy that twin set you purchased.  Shopping used to be a great distraction but lately I haven't felt much like doing that either.  I know we'll get through this.  All the other women before us seem to have made it.  Thanks for your support.  Happy Thanksgiving!  

    • Posted

      Oh Pam I went off shopping big time and still don't like going to

      shops anymore so I shop online mostly. I have to tolerate the food

      shopping (I love cooking more than ever, strangely)😀

      I too have been with my "best friend " since we were teenagers,

      40 years, it is such a comfort to know they support us, I really feel

      he understands. We will support the women who are alone in this.

      Sorry to hear your son is so ill, I wish him well and you too, make

      sure you grab a bit of time to indulge yourself.

      We will make it too😁😁

      Have a lovely Thanksgiving. I am in Uk so looking forward to


      All the best.

  • Posted

    Hi, have you tried super strength sage for your hot flashes and night sweats, it worked for me, they stopped within a week or two of starting. And passionflower helps with mild anxiety and stress. I sleep better when I take one in the evening.

    Good luck, hope you find something to help you.

    • Posted

      Hi Maisie05-

      I haven't tried either of those.  I will give them a shot.  I know symptoms are cyclic, and I have tried a couple of others things I thought were helping but the symptoms came back while I was still on them...but it is always worth trying.  Who knows how our body will respond individually.  Thank you for the suggestion.  I will pick them up and give them a try.

      Best to you too!

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