Yet another symptom ?
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Tuesday I commented on stomach issues , now the discomfort has moved up and I’m so worried . It feels strange in the middle of my chest and my back , shoulders and top of my arms ache . I know you shouldn’t google symptoms , but this can be a sign of heart problems . I’ve checked my heartbeat and that is steady and around 64 bpm . I had this before with the pain and went to A &E , but it was all put down to anxiety and they told me I was perfectly healthy , no heart problems . That was November 2015 . Now I’m convincing myself that maybe I do have a problem now . I was lifting an armchair around and moved it downstairs the other day and it seems this has all developed since then . I don’t know . I am 51 today and this really wasn’t the type of birthday I wanted to celebrate ??
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karen60759 jane63977
Hi Jane, try not to worry, pain in the neck and shoulders is a definite sign of peri & menopause, I get it a lot the past couple of years (I’m 41 and in peri) a long with stomach issues. Apparently oestrogen levels affect the amount of fluid in joints - or something like that! It’s often causes a frozen shoulder. I find taking turmeric and omega oils helps. Of course if you’re worried go and see your doctor, I went yesterday as I’ve been having lots of nausea lately - so I’m just having blood tests to rule anything else out, feels like I’m there a lot lately! But it puts my mind at rest x
mauiblue jane63977
yes upper body pain - neck and shoulders - very common.
Donna23316 jane63977
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JANE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. Jane I just sang you happy birthday and I have a wonderful singing voice. Just ask my family, the wouldn't dare say otherwise! On a serious not I do think that you are worrying way too much about this. I can relate to getting more aches and pains generally with the menopause but don't want you to overthink this. You have more than likely strained something when you were moving the armchair. Sometimes with these, you don't realise until later when you're in agony. Enjoy the rest of your birthday. Donna xxx
jane63977 Donna23316
Thank you . You have a wonderful singing voice 🤣 . I will try not to overthink . I’m just getting old ! I’ll probably get my period today as well 🙁.
Guest jane63977
Hi Jane, Happy Birthday! Perimenopause is kicking my butt lately. I am only 41 and aches and pains are a daily occurrence for me. I also bruise easily. I have arthritis in my back and neck, which has always been tolerable,but , now in peri I move around in the morning like a rusty robot! I’ve also had the shoulder pain, radiating down arms, etc. All normal though, I’ve been thoroughly checked as my dad died at 42 of heart attack. My chest pains came from GERD, but are under control now. google a nice place to go for supper and Enjoy your Birthday! 😀
Clare1971 jane63977
Happy birthday Jane ,peri symptons don’t even stop for your birthday .. I’m experiencing terrible pain in my neck shoulders and forearms , every days a new pain or symptom and I convince myself I am seriously ill which then brings on the anxiety. Go to doctors they blame my age take bloods to shut me up I am sure of and all bloods okay
Try to enjoy your day 💕
juanita93228 jane63977
Believe it or not you can get trapped gas in your back and it affects your chest and sometimes shoulders. It's painful. I'm no doctor but take something for gas and see if that helps. Drink some ginger ale so you can burp like the dickens. Hope this helps. ((((hugs))))
katyD211 jane63977
Hi Jane...until you mentioned that you were lifting furniture, I was concerned about your heart. Now I would say its absolutely muscle strain.
However, as a friend (as we all are on this forum) I would want you to get checked out again. I really think the upper aches are muscle pain, but let a dr tell you that.
And I feel you when you say a new feeling...that it's something new everyday!!Yet were surviving them all...
Happy Birthday!! Have a glass and forget the symptoms for a while..enjoy 51!!!🎂🎉🎁🎈
diane63424 jane63977
Hi Jane I’ve suffered the same symptoms felt breathless then pain like you say about I’ve had to go on tablets because I had flutters which is something I hadn’t experienced in the menopause before it’s acually severe tension caused through the anxiety . I’ve had blood tests as I finished up at AE prolonged ecg which apart from
a few eptopic beats was considered normal . Since I’ve been on the low diazepam that’s settled down . I just have to get my sleep right because it’s really afffected that. . I’m 61 and never had any symptoms of menopause till I was 52 . I went on hrt I was a mental wreck and diazepam which I slowly got off just stayed on hrt . Then gradually cut them down then bang 3 weeks ago all symptoms came back with vengeance . I admire those ladies who take nothing and go through it , but myself I’d be in a mental hospital . Can’t believe hormones can do this 😫😫 so try not to worry
jane63977 diane63424